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A Month

It'd been an entire moto since Olivia and I had our argument.
I'd settled into work very well since then and barely saw her since I was mostly doing behind the scenes work with this new guy, Shayne.
He'd quickly become a great friend of mine since he was very funny and charming.
Today we were helping set up for the on camera guys and Shayne was making jokes as per usual.

"I wonder who's idea it was to make fleece blankets." Shayne began as he laid the white blanket down on the floor.
"Not the sheeps, I bet." He uttered quietly. I turned to him, laughing at his idiocy.

"What?" He chucked, "I just don't think sheep are so cruel"

"To skin themselves" I added, laughing.

"Well, maybe" he shrugged.
I shook my head and continued placing down the smaller props.
He continued making subtle jokes and I continued to laugh, I turned to him as Olivia walked in the room, talking to one of the producers.
My smile seemed to fade quickly as my eyes briefly met hers, before she turned away and walked out.

I let out a small huff as I more angrily placed things on the table.
"Well, You never did tell me what your deal with that Olivia chick was."

I glanced at him.
"I never told anyone." I sighed.
"All done." I called before somewhat storming out of the room.

"Cou.. Courtney!" Shayne yelled before running out after me, after a few seconds he grabbed my arm and pulled me Barack to face him.

He gripped my shoulders with both of my hands as he looked into my eyes.

"Courtney. What's wrong, please tell me." He urged me.

"No, Shayn-"

"Courtney. Stop." He sighed.
"You keep doing this, you've been doing this since I met you just stop."

"Stop wha-"

"This, shutting off and fucking off to be alone in the bathroom."

"How did you know I went to the bathroom.." I uttered slowly.

"Let's just leave it to sixth sense." He sighed before pulling me toward him and embracing me in a hug.
I sighed as I slowly closed my eyes.

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