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I woke up, it was still early since the sun hand risen yet.
Courtney was still asleep which I didn't expect because she told me she had been waking up really early lately.

Anyways, I gently and quietly pulled myself from behind her and walked over to the balcony, quietly sliding the glass across and stepping outside.

It was quiet, the only noise I could hear would have been the wind.

I looked over to my old apartment, seeing someone new came in and fixed the door.
There was a nice little set up on their balcony.

I smiled before looking out to the nearly rising sun.
It was so different here, yet so similar.

I smiled as I crossed my arms.
Being away i had just forgotten how beautiful bliss was.


The sun was beginning to rise and I was beyond cold.
The wind continued to pick up and grow violently cold but I could stand it.

"Liv?" Her soft voice called from the livingroom.
I turned around, a brief smile on my cheeks as i saw her.

She was holding my phone in her hand, a confused look crossed her face as she stared at the home screen.

I walked toward her, taking my phone from her to see dozens of missed calls, all from the same person.


"Why is he calling?" She uttered.

I shook my head, glancing up at her.

"I have no idea?"

I scrolled through my notifications until I found text messages.

"Uh.. Matt messaged me, too?" I added as Courtney sat up.

"Well.. what does he want?"

I opened the messages and my eyes widened.

"Read them out" Courtney tapped me.

"Uh.." I coughed.
"Okay.. uh.
Hey Liv. Some guy says he's here looking for you. He won't say his name." I began, looking to Olivia.

"Okay, I've just rushed to the bathroom to get away from him. This guys totally psycho...

Olivia, he's screaming and tearing apart the house. He keeps saying 'I know she's here, I know she's with you and where is she.. who is this guy??" I choked on my breath on the next message, my eyes meeting Courtney's.

"Um.. he said he's locked Marisa and himself in the bathroom and the guy is tearing apart the house and banging down the doors"
I felt my hands beginning to shake as I came to the last message which was sent only an hour ago.
"Him and Marisa are in hospital and he's .. coming here next??"

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