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Tag, You're it

We arrived at the beach an hour before sunset, on the way here Courtney stopped off and bought a big bottle of raspberry vodka wrapped in a brown paper bag.
We were bored and neither of us thought to bring swim suits.

We walked to the edge of the water and sat in the sand.
Courtney sighed just seconds after her butt hit the ground.

"Huh?" I turned to her, a confused look on my face.
She shuffled side to side for a second before turning to me, a dull look on her face

"Yup. There's sand in my jeans." She blatantly announced.
I shook my head as I laughed briefly, having hear her open the bottle and sip it.

She pulled a sour face for a second before turning to me and hoarsely speaking.
"Ooh. That's more vodka than raspberry."

I nodded as she handed me the bottle.
I didn't believe her in all honesty until I pressed the cold, glass rim to my lips and sipped it.

After a mouthful I immediately pulled it away, feeling a burning sensation down my throat much like having the first layer of the skin in your throat peeled off.

"Ooh.." I whispered as my face curled.
Courtney began to laugh at me as she took the bottle and sipped it again.
After swallowing two big gulps she fell backward onto the sand, laughing and holding the bottle in the air.

"It's so bad it's good." She shook her head.
I sighed with a big grin on my face as I watched her.

"I take this you aren't a big vodka fan either?" I shrugged as I laid down beside her.

"Wait.. people are fans of this stuff?" She said jokingly before turning on her side and facing me.
"Want some more?" She offered.

I sat up and sipped it again, and once again regretted it immediately after, but not for long enough.

Courtney sipped it again as I laid my head back.
I was feeling tipsy, my stomach felt warm and the rest of my body felt overly excited yet calm.

"Hey.." Courtney smiled as I glanced over to her.


I watched as she stood up, wobbling.

"Tag. You're it." She smiled before darting off.
I pulled myself to my feet before chasing her through the sand, watching the small gusts fly out from under her feet.
I was mere feet away before she slipped into the sand, I had no time to stop before I fell too.
landing directly a top of her, having our heads bonk together before I rolled off top of her.

"Ow-" she laughed, rubbing her head.

"Yeah. I definitely felt that.." I smirked before looking over to her.

"Hey Courtney?"

"Mm?" She grinned. Looking back to me.
I dropped my hand in her general direction, smirking before I whispered

"Tag, you're it"

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