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Date Night Night

We were partway into our third movie, Olivia had fallen asleep with her head on my arm, since we were laying down.
I had one arm wrapped around her, and another I had holding her hand as she blissfully slept.
I would have turned off the movie but I didn't want to wake Olivia.

I was on the verge of sleep when her phone went off, again.

I sighed, letting Olivia's go and grabbing her phone, it was initially to put it on silent but the messages on the lock screen caught my attention.

'Olivia. I swear to god'
'Olivia, answer me'
'I told you to stay away from her!'
'You better not be wit Courtney'

I rolled my eyes deeply before putting her phone down.

Has he really told her to stay away from me?
And she has been going against him.
I wonder how long for.

I glanced to Olivia, brushing her hair from her soft, lily cheeks.
I really do care about her, but I don't want her to go through hell for me..

I gently hiss her forehead, watching her stir.
She smiled, bringing her hand up to my neck and gently caressing me with her thumb.
I held back the urge to laugh, given how cute she was being.

I stopped and thought to myself, Liv had been complaining for weeks about how we hadn't been anything 'serious' so I figured tomorrow night I'd make somethings special just to prove to her that I did want to be with her.

I closed my eyes and gently held her as I drifted off to sleep


I woke up, hearing my bathroom door closing.
I opened my eyes, seeing Olivia was no longer beside me

She must be in the shower.
I stretched, sitting up.
It was a gorgeous morning and even prettier since I knew I didn't have work today.

I smiled, looking around my somewhat messy apartment, mentally panning what surprise I'd have in store for when Olivia gets home from work.
It was going to be perfect.

I was suddenly torn from my thoughts.

Olivia's phone began to ring.
I sighed, picking it up and reading an unsaved number.
I glanced up to the bathroom, seeing she must not be able to hear he phone ringing.
I let it go to voicemail, and it did, But they also left a text.

Curious, i raised an eyebrow and as I began to read I felt my heart drop.

"Hey, Olivia.. It's James. We need to talk"

I put the phone down and laid back down, this wasn't good..
But she won't go meet him,.
Will she?

Some time went by and she got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her body and another being used to dry her hair.
She was so beautiful,

"Hey, do you think I can get a spare key to you apartment? Just Incase its late or you're out of town and I left something here?" She questioned as she came over and sat beside me.

I gently pressed my hand to her cheek and looked her in the eye.
"No," I smiled.
"I'll never lock my doors as long as I want you in my life." I smiled.

"And if we argue or even hate each other.?"

"Baby, you're always welcome here.. No matter what happens I want you in my life, I want you to be with me, there fore no day will go by with that door locked." I hummed.
A gently smile crossed her lips as she looked down at me.

"...Really?" She questioned.

I leant toward her, being inches from her face.
"Cross my heart." I smiled before gently kissing her.
She is my hope, my only exception.

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