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Months Later..

I had officially given up on trying to get Courtney to forgive me..
Noah and I had been a somewhat thing for about a week and he actually asked me out..
Together we're moving out to Malibu to start up our own business..

I stood before the big building that I will no longer work at come today..

All the memories, just staring at it nearly brought me to tears..
To think I'll no longer be here everyday..

I pulled myself together as I walked inside.
I walked up to the floor and into the meeting room where everyone was...

"Guys.." I muttered with tears running down my face.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Keith asked as the three of them stared at me with worrying looks.

"I'm gonna miss you.." I muttered as Shayne and Keith pulled me into a hug.
I watched as Courtney directed her attention away from me and down to the notepad she was scribbling on..

The two pulled me out of a hug and kindly asked.
"Where's Noah, we want to say goodbye to him too."

"He's just down the hall talking with Anthony."

They nodded before leaving the room.
Leaving only Courtney and I.

"I- I'm gonna miss you too.." I uttered slowly walking toward her.

She placed the notepad on the floor beside her and got up and left..

She's broken my heart a billion times before and now it hurt most..
I may never see her again..

Tears welled in my eyes as I glanced down to her notepad and picked it up.

I held it in the two of my hands.
"When you said remember who you're with, I wanted it to be you." And

"I'll keep my door unlocked as long as I want you in my life" were deeply scribbled in and over with a blue pen.

I ripped the page from the book and scrunched it up, tucking it into my pocket.
I grabbed the pen and scribbled down on the notepad before throwing it and walking out.
I'm going to start my new life.
I'm going to be happy.


I sat on the floor and watched her storm from the room, tears covered my face as she passed me, not even seeing I was here.

I got up and walked into the room, seeing my notepad on the floor.
I sniffed as I leant down and picked it up.

"I LOVE YOU" was poorly jotted down on the paper in big text..

I'd just lost her forever.

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