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Hello, My dear

So little changed at yet so much.

I opened my eyes, being met with hers.
I smiled watching her lips curl into a smile also.

"Good morning," I said happily.

"Morning" she said.
I'm not sure what it was, but the tone in her voice was different.
She just overall.. Seemed happier.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She sat up.

I also sat up, thinking for a moment.
"I don't know." I shook my head.

She just laughed and shook her head.

"Very helpful." She nodded.
The morning was filled with laughter as we played around.
I sat across from her and hit her with her own pillows, watching her face shake as her hair scattered across her face.
I began to laugh, watching her variety of expressions as I gently hit her with a pillow.

She began to laugh, showing a look in her eye which made me giggle loudly.
"Whatever you're thinking, don't do it!" I called.

She laughed,throwing suspicion away from her.
I clasped the pillow in my hands, slowly bringing it up to my face as she began to laugh cheekily.

"What..?" I smirke, shaking my head.

She just smiled as she leant forward, gently kissing my forehead.
I lowered the pillow, once again letting my guard down as the suddenly pushed me back against the bed.

I squealed as I landed on the soft, plush duvet, continuous to giggles were let out of the two of us as she leant over me.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" She said, her face inches from mine.


"How do you feel about this?" She queried before bringing her hands to my waist as she began to tickle me.
I began to laugh, very loud. Squealing and squirming as she continued to tickle me.
It was a sure thing I had just about woken up everyone in the building, but stuff them.

I grabbed her hands and held them in mine therefore forcing her to stop tickling me.

Her eyes gently glanced from each of our hands before back to me.
Another soft smile crossed her lips as she looked down at me.
So humble.
I smiled back, once more staring into her eyes as they stared back into mine.
Every blue and green intricate detail in her iris is what made her unique, to me.

She slowly leant in, gently kissing me on the lips, feeling her hands now curling in with mine.
Our kiss broke with a smile, our eyes slowly opening and meeting once more.

"I think I'm suppose to go to work today." I said, carelessly.

She sighed slightly.
"Do you actually have to?" She frowned slightly.

"I do. My time off is over." I sighed.
She let my hands go and laid beside me, we were both laying sideways across her bed and submerged in her giant duvet.

We happily just faced each other and for a few minutes we didn't even say a word.
We just looked at one enother.
I could tell she was thinking my the expression on her face.
I was just studying every single detail about her.
From the way her hair curves right down the crease in her lips, every single detail about her I just wished to keep in mind forever.
Out of all of this, I mostly kept the mental image.
The way the sun light beamed through the windows on eater side of her bed, the faint yolk yellow that pierced through the gaps in her white curtains and onto her cheeks and forehead.
The way the shadows even found a way to illuminate her features.
Her eyes, filtering out the specks of white from the sun and shining them in her eyes and the way her lips curled.
The way he lips curled when she smiles, when she says good morning and goodnight.
When she invites me inside or wraps a blanket around me, or us.
The way she was her and that's all that mattered..

The alarm clock beeped, breaking me from my trance like state and directing my attention to the alarm.

"Okay, now I've really gotta go" I sighed as I got up and grabbed my clothes which were scattered on the floor.

"Fine" she sighed as she got up. "You can borrow any of my tops because.. Well" Courtney shrugged as she held up my white top, stained with red wine.

"Thank you" I sighed as she directed me where to go to search for a top.

"This may sound needy but are you busy at your lunch break?" She queried as I grabbed a top and threw it on.

"No, why?" I smiled, turning to her.
Her cheeks went slightly red as my smile only grew.
"Wanna go on a lunch date?" I asked,

"Yes, please." She shrugged.

I pulled my jeans up over my legs, kissing Courtney as I did.

"Sounds wonderful." I replied.
I grabbed my socks and put them on my feet as I began to make my way downstairs.

I grabbed my shoes from the front door and my phone from the kitchen.
I sighed as I began slipping on my shoes, jumping as I did.

"Shut." I whispered.
"Do you know where my-" I began to call.

"I've got your keys." Courtney call out.
Oh, godbless this woman. I shook my head.
She made her way down the stairs as I got my other shoe.
I stopped jumping as she handed me my keys.

"Be safe." She smiled as she walked me to the door.
I opened the door, kissing her and smiling as I began to walk out.
"Bye." I hummed.

"Bye." She smirked, lovingly.

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