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I opened the door to Matt's house, a glum expression on my face as I threw my things down.
"Livy, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it tonight." Matt tried to console me, I Palme him off and walked into our room.

I still stared silent as I began gathering my things.
"Olivia, talk to me."

"I'm leaving, Matt." I muttered as I been shoving my things into my suitcase.

"What?" He stammered sounding upset.
"Why, because I couldn't make it to our date?"

"No.. Matt, I just.. Look, I'm not going to lie to you. You don deserve that." I turned and faced him.
"That girl I was in love with, I saw her tonight.."

"How? She lives in LA?" He stated.

"Well a fun turn of events" I sighed.
"Your cousin, Courtney won't make I tonight."

"Can we stick to the subject?"

"Matt, Courtney is that girl.." I stopped.
His face dropped as he tried to comprehend what was going on.

"You're.. You're leaving me.." He sighed.

I walked up to him, hugging him as tears rolled down my cheeks.
He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a solid few minutes before parting.
I wiped a tear from his cheek, remembering everything he's done for me.

"I'll never forget you Mathias and I'll write you every week." I smiled.
He nodded before leaving the room and I went back to packing.
Once my bags were ready I walked into the living room.
Matt was leaning against a wall chewing his nails.

"I love you, Olivia." He muttered.
I smile, feeling tears welling in my eyes again.
"Get there safely."

I smiled and carried the bags to the door which the opened for me.

I walked out and down the driveway when I stopped, spotting a familiar car parked out the front of the house and standing by the passengers side door o that car was the familiar beautiful blonde..

I smiled, dropping my bags as I ran to her, my arms wrapping around her as she twirled me.
I felt so safe and so free with her.
She set me down and I looked back to he house as Mathias smiled and waved.

Courtney and I grabbed my bags, loading them into the back of the car.

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