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Tag, You're it

Not sure if it was the alcohol or just my impulsive side showing, as I chased her into the water.
Hearing her squeal as the cold water hit her shins.

I laughed and slowed as my shins hit the water.
The sun was beginning to set as she slowly walked further in.
She turned and faced me, pulling childish faces as the subtle waves crept up behind her.

I watched as her clothes began to stick to her body the further she want in.
A cheeky smile crossed her lip as I ran through the water after her.

She squealed as she tried to get away but the water got too deep and she began to slow down.

I caught up to her, picking her up and swirling her.

"Tag, you're it!" I called as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
She just laughed as her body came close to mine.

"The waters so cold!" She giggled, her eyes meeting mine.
I would have replied but was cut off as a wave thrashed over us, I was able to stand my ground but wasn't able to avoid Olivia and I becoming totally drenched.

Olivia began bursting out laughing as the wave passed.
"You were saying it's cold?" I replied, spitting out a small potion of water.

"Ahh! It is. Go under!" She exclaimed.
I bobbed down, my head and shoulders being the only thing out of the water, the same with Olivia.

She smiled as she turned, watching the sunset.
"Oh wow.." she exhaled calmly as she marvelled at the colour pallet of reds and yellows that crossed the sky.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" She hummed.

I just watched her. There was nothing more fascinating than watching her be fascinated.
"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen" I lovingly grinned.

She turned, facing me.
A brighter smile crossed her face as our eyes met once more.

"Hey.. Court?" She hummed, her smile slowly fading.

"Yeah.?" I replied, it seemed to happen so quickly and yet so slowly.
She raised her hands up, gently clasping my cheeks as she leant in and softly pressed her lips against mine.

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