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Morning with you

I woke up.
I was in the same bed I was in years ago.
The same fluffy duvet and the same beautiful memories.
I'd never felt so pleased with myself.

My eyes traced Courtney as she stood by the window, a baggy shirt on and underwear.

She glanced at me and smiled.

"Get up. Shayne is coming over with his kids." She smiled as she dropped to the bed and kissed me.

She seemed so heavily.

I smiled and grabbed her cheek as she went to pull away.
"I'm going to say this now to ensure I never leave you again" I giggled.
She looked at me, an eyebrow raised.

"I love you." I smiled as I pulled her back in for another kiss.

She smiled as our lips met before pulling away and making her way to the wardrobe.

She pulled jeans up her legs and smiled as she shimmied into them.

"Olivia Sui. I'm going to tell you this now." She hummed as she tucked her shirt into her pants.

"I've loved you since the first day I met you." She said smiling.

My heart throbbed as I got up and hugged her, my arms latching around her waist.

"Promise me."

"Promise me you'll never leave me." She replied, running her fingers through my hair.

"Promise me you'll never let me."

"Not another day in my life." She hummed.

I squeezed her before letting her go.

"Now get changed. They'll be here any minute now." She smiled as she began walking down the steps.


I stirred my coffee as she stood before me, mixing milk in with hers.

Something I didn't cherish or even acknowledge is the way she sticks her pinkie out when she mixes her coffee.
It's cute.

I smiled up at her and I caught her eye.

"You're just.. perfect." I smiled.
I'm sorry I fucked you over for years.....

She laughed before her attention caught toward the front door.
She walked past, kissing my cheek on the way and eventually opened the door.

"Hey Shayne!" She hummed, hugging him.

"Hey." He smiled, hugging her back.

The two parted and Courtney seemed over joyed that his kids were here.

"Hey Luke.." she said picking up the toddler and swirling him, hearing his giggles fill the room.

Shayne laughed as he followed Courtney in with a pram containing a happy baby.

"Hey, Shayne." I called, smiling.

"Olivia? Hey!" He called as he walked over and hugged me.

"It's been years! How's Noah!" He smiled.

"Let's just say the wealth got to his head." Courtney shrugged.
I smiled and shook my head.

"Kids?" I glanced up at him.

"And a wife, yeah." He exhaled.

"Life's really leaving together, man. I'm proud of you." I laughed, patting his arm.


Time flew by, Shayne and Courtney were sitting on the balcony drinking whilst I watched the babies.
I didn't mind, they were clean and didn't vomit as much as regular children, I assume.

I glanced out, seeing Courtney smile as she glanced back at me.

Why would I have ever been stupid enough to leave her.

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