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I felt so lifeless. Like something was wrong.
I'm not sure what but I've just been on edge since my car pulled up.
I think it's the accident that happened out the front of the building.
I ignored it since I didn't want any more stress added onto my day.

I sighed as I rustled through my bag for the keys.
I was so tired I just wanted to fall right into bed.

I heard the jingling of the keys in the bottom of my bag when suddenly I froze.

All I could smell was smoke.
I stepped back from the door, seeing hints of grey peeping out from under the door.

My heart sped up as I rushed, getting my keys and unlocking the door, throwing it open.

The apartment was laced in a thick, black smoke.

I threw my bag to the floor as I ran to the kitchen, seeing the light from the oven reflecting off a charred black piece of meat, I coughed as I fanned away smoke.
I turned the oven off an ran to a window, prying it open.

Where the hell is Courtney?
And why haven't the smoke alarms gone off...

My heart began to drop as my eyes widened.
I immediately began screaming her name as I ran through the apartment, ripping pillows up from the couch and running upstairs.
I tore all of our clothes out of the wardrobe and ripped the duvet off the bed.

Tears flooding to my eyes as my thoughts flashed back to her, to us.

Her smile, her laugh echoed through my mind as I screamed her name again.

Running downstairs, I almost ran through the livingroom when I froze.
I turned to face the balcony door, seeing flowers strewn all over and a table and chairs flipped.

I choked on my breath as I slowly made my way to the door, opening it and letting out a small cloud of smoke as I did.

I stepped towards the railing, holding my hand out as I stepped toward it.

My hand rapped around the railing as I peered over, seeing the asphalt below me, coated in blood as police swarmed around it.

Among all the blood my eyes traced to a black sheet, covering someone.

I screamed as I threw myself back from the railing, my foot stepping and slipping on something hard as I choked back on my sobs.

My back collided with the floor as I immediately sat up and pushed myself against the cold glass door, tears trailed down my cheeks more frequently than before as I clutched my face.

She's.. she..

I couldn't think straight when my head slowly began dropping did I notice it.

The small white box in the middle of the floor.

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