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Without you

It was Sunday morning, two am roughly.
I placed the bottle on the floor and turned the shower on and sat in the bathtub directly under the show head, fully clothed.
These walls were thin as paper, if I can hear Olivia crying no doubt she can hear me.
The cold water poured from the faucet and almost immediately covered me.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, feeling each individual throb of my heart as if it were multiple knives digging into my chest.
I began to cry, we weren't anything.. Yet.
I shook my head as I began to sob, thinking of our first kiss, our last..
How warm she was when I wrapped her in my arms, the cute noises she made.
Every thought of her ached and pained my body and soul..
I didn't want to move, I didn't want to get out of the shower.

So I just sat there and cried, feeling my heart shatter into tiny pieces, I couldn't stop thinking about her..
No matter how hard I tried.
I reached over and grabbed the wine bottle I set in front of the tub and popped the cork.
I continued to cry, feeling my tears immediately being washed away by the cold water as I pressed the cold rim of the wine bottle to my lips, take ping long sips each time and whispering to myself over and over.

"S-She said me, s-she said she wanted to be wit-with me" I stammered between sobs before pressing the bottle to my lips and heavily gulping down the bottle.


Hello Lover

The loud and annoying tune of my alarm clock played.
It was 7am already and I was still awake.
I wiped the tears from my cheeks as my phone beeped.
I glanced down, hoping, wishing it was a text from Courtney.
It wasn't, I sighed, reading the alert from my phone that warned me I only had ten percent of battery left.

I sighed, brushing my hands through my hair as I wanted to build up the nerve to go see Courtney.

I pulled my hair up, not tying it as I walked to my bathroom.
I stared at my face, all puffy and red and sighed.
She's going to know I've been crying for sure...

I quickly washed my face before walking out into the hall, I stood in front of her apartment door, biting on my breath as I knocked.

No reply.

Curious, I knocked again.
Still no rely, she must not be home.
I grabbed the doorknob and giggled it, it wasn't locked.
Who am I kidding, she never locks her door.

"As long as I want you in my life. This door shall never be locked"

I sighed, opening the door and walking in.
All the windows were open same as the bathroom door.
There was a notepad on the kitchen with a pen beside it.
I walked over, seeing it was a shopping list.

•New white singlet (incase)
•More wine

Strangest shopping list I've ever seen.

I walked into the living room where I last left my charger and saw all our blankets were still there.

In a huff I lifted the few up and heard a few taps on the tires floor. Towards the balcony.

I sighed, dropping the blankets as I noticed I'd thrown my charger.
I walked over, picking it up as something else came to my attention.
The outside table has a white cloth over it and few roses in a vase.

Could that have been there since Friday?

I sighed.
She had a date planned out for us.. and I betrayed her.

I curled my charger around my fingers as I went to walk back, I glanced in the bathroom, noticing the shower was on.

Something really strange is going on here, Courtney would have, should have all this cleaned up by now.. and the shower running?

I went in to turn it off, dropping my charge on the couch as I walked toward the bathroom, wondering why I didn't hear it before.
I stepped into the bathroom and saw her.
Passed out in the bathtub clutching a bottle of wine.
I immediately turned off the water and fought back tears.
I leant down, touching her.
Her body was so cold.. she must have been under here for hours.

I sighed, walking to the bathroom cupboard and laying out some towels.
I pulled her out and began to dry her. She didn't even flinch.

"Boy. You're our t cold. Huh" I joked as I began pulling off her wet clothes and drying her.

I grabbed one of her pyjama tops from the basket by the sink and placed it on her once she was dry.

I had to get her out of the bathroom so I pulled all my strength together and picked her up.
She was surprisingly light, and this is coming from me.

I carried her over to the blankets, hearing the bottle she was still clutching for dead life gently clank on the doorway and then the floor as I set her down.

I pulled the blankets over her, keeping her warm as I gently kissed her on the head.

"If I ever had to choose between you or a thousand other people...
I wouldn't be dumb enough to lose you twice." I sighed.

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