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Let's drift apart

I was sitting on my couch, my legs dangled over the back of the couch as my back was against the seat cushions and my head dangled toward the floor.

"Are you going to lay like this all night?" Shayne queried as he pulled another beer from his pack.

"Until I wonder why I'm so stupid." I sighed.

"You're not stupid, she hooked up with someone else. Not your fault." He said calmly as he sipped his drink.

"But, did I overreact? Would we be fine now if I didn't yell and break up with her."

"Well, yes.. but she may as well walk all over you.."

"Mm.. you're right." I sighed, rolling off the couch and toward Shayne who was on a single seater.

I sat down properly on the couch and thought to myself for a second.

"Stop it"


"Thinking about her.."


"Cause you seem so happy and delightful when you do!" He said sarcastically.
"Have a beer and instead think of all the other mistakes you made in life" he joked as he handed me a bottle.

Why not, I'm all out of wine."

"So did you buy all this furniture yourself?" Shayne asked.

"Small talk, really?"

"Well.. yeah, what else do you do with company?"

" I don't know.. " I sighed.
After a few seconds of dead silence I began staring out the window.
Minutes flew by at the speed of seconds.

"Yes." I stated.


"I did buy the furniture"

"Oh.. well, your life's more together than mine" he joked as he got up from his seat.

"Where are ya goin?" I called, grabbing my beer as I followed him to the glass doors of the balcony.

"Come outside?" He shrugged.

"It's night time.." I queried.

"Yeah, so?"

"Okay, but if I fall over the railing I'm aiming for YOUR car." I joked, poking him.

He laughed, looking to me.
"Sure, like I'd let you fall."

You wouldn't?
He opened he sliding door and we walked out and right against the railing.

"Aren't the stars beautiful.?" He asked, sipping his drink again.

"Yeah.. they are." I hummed as I looked down the street below..

"How long do you think it's take til I'd fall?" I queried, leaning right over.

He gripped my shirt and pulled me back.
"Let's not test that now, okay?" He joked.

"Sorry, got a bit.. carried away, I guess." I stammered as I stepped away from the railing.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He questioned, gesturing to me.

"Uh.. yeah, just a little lost." I sighed, brushing my hands through my hair.

"Well, I'll stay with you til you find yourself." He said before staring off to the stars.
I stared at him with such thanks.

I wrapped my arms around his chest as I hugged him.
I was so thankful to have a friend like him.. especially now.

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