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Matt said I could live with him until I get back on my fee, he gave me his room and had been sleeping in the living room which I felt bad for..
I know I've only known this guy for almost two weeks but I've gotten to know him really well since then.
"Matt?" I called as I got up from his bed and walked into the living room.


"I feel bad for kicking you out of your room."


"It's. Double bed.. We can both fit."

"I'm not sleeping with you."

"You don't have to.. Sleep with me, we could build a barrier of pillows or something.."

"Olivia, no. Go to bed."

"Matt,I'm not going to be able to sleep unless you do."

"You slept out here just fine."

"Mathias, don't make me raise my voice with your daughter metres away." I whispered slightly louder.

"Jesus, you're persistent. Aren't you?" He asked as he sat up and grabbed his pillow.
I smiled and swayed side to side in victory.


I crawled back into his bed and closed my eyes.
I heard him make his way inside the room and fall onto the bed.

I smiled as my hand fell on the pillow and his was inches away..

"Thank you.." I hummed as I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up as sunlight lit up he whole house.
My eyes opened as I realised I was asleep on Matt's chest.
I would have moved butt his arms were wrapped around me, holding me in place.

He's gonna be pissed..
Why do I keep conning him into stuff like this.?

I closed my eyes again and pretended to be asleep as I heard him wake up.

He let out a brief exhale as I laid there.
I couldn't see what he was doing but he gently brushed hair rom my face and tucked I behind my ear.

"Oh Olivia. You little con artist." He whispered to himself.

He slowly released me and I laid back down on the cold bed, allowing him to get up.

I wrapped myself in the blankets as I turned away.

"Daddy.." I heard a small and sweet voice call.

"Yeah baby?"
He replied.

"Is Olivia going to be my new mama?" She queried as he lifted her into his his arms.

"I don't know baby, how do you know mama isn't coming back?"

"Because you stopped crying about it when she came.."

Damn, why have I dug myself into?
I couldn't help but feel sympathetic and like a bad person as the two spoke,..

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