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Ugh.. I really wish I didn't have to post this I've been trying to put this off but i can't now, it's the... third last? I don't know I don't count.😭 I write.
I love you guys. I hope you like this part..

"Noah. What are you doing here.?!" Courtney stated as he clasped both her arms with all his force.

"I know she's here. I know you have her!" He yelled, throwing Courtney against the railing of the balcony.
She winced as her spine collided with the cement, but immediately pulled herself together.

"Get out!" She yelled as he walked towards her.

"You're the reason this happened! YOU TOOK HER FROM ME!" He yelled.

Courtney grabbed the glass vase and threw it at Noah, causing him to stumble back and brush the shards of ceramic off his clothes.

"Now you've done it."

"Fuck you, Noah.! She's not your possession!" She yelled as she stepped towards him and firmly punched him in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

She turned and grasped her phone, calling for the police when Noah's hands wrapped around her shoulders as he threw her into the door.

Courtney's body harshly hit the solid concrete, she pulled herself up.
Sighing as she saw her beautiful set up torn and broken.
The table on the floor and the plates smashed.
It was ruined.

Noah grabbed Courtney's arms again, tearing her up from the floor as he shook her violently.

"WE WERE IN LOVE. YOU RUINED US AGAIN." He yelled even louder.
This time Courtney couldn't scrambled through his grasp as he took her to the balcony railing.

"I'll find her." His face grimaced as he looked into her eyes.
"And you can't stop me."

"You're an evil bastard. You know that." Courtney exclaimed as she continued to struggle.

Noah stared dead into her eyes as he set her down right against the railing.

Courtney clutched one of the bars with her life as he stepped away from her.

"There's no way in hell I'll ever let you touch her." Courtney muttered.

"Who's there to stop me?" He asked as he violently and unexpectedly threw himself forward, pushing Courtney over the railing, her hand graded along the bar as her body flipped but she still had gripped the same railing.

She didn't have the strength in her arm to pull up her other hand, so she stared as Noah's head peered over the railing at her.

"You shouldn't have taken her from me."

"F-f fuck you, Noah." Courtney stammered through her fear.
She knew she was going to fall.

Noah's head slowly pulled over the railings as he began to walk from the building.

Courtney's arms and body aces in pain from the slamming she'd endured before this, she didn't know how much longer she could hold on.

She used her arm, the one not holding the bar to slide her hand into her pocket, pulling the soft, white box.

She stared at it, tears welling in her eyes as she threw it over the railing, causing her grip to slip.

"Olivia.. please don't forget how much I love you.." she whispered as she felt her arm slowly ripping from its socks.
"Ugh.... I'll love you.. until my last breath.!" she muttered as her hand slowly lost its grip.

Until My Last BreathWhere stories live. Discover now