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Oh, good day

I flicked through the scrips, trying to memorise my lines.
I was walking back to the office where I saw Courtney before..
She was really hitting it off with Shayne, could she be over me already?
I sighed, turning the the corner before the office door, when I froze.

I slightly pouted as I watched Courtney in his arms, the way she hugged him back she seemed so happy..
I fought back tears as I dropped my script and walked down the hall, being stopped by Noah.

"Please, don't." I replied as I tried to make my way past him.

"Olivia, stop." He called as he ran infront of me.

"What" I yelled, warm tears slowly sliding down my cheeks.

"Olivia, I love you" he exhaled.
I was emotional and somewhat jealous.

"Noah. Take me home." I sighed.

"But, were shooting today "

"I don't care, just take me home...." I called.
He weakly smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and walked me out.


I sighed, wrapping my arms around legs as I sat on my couch.

"Are you okay.?" Noah hummed as he sat beside me.

"Peachy." I pouted.

"Well.. can I help?"

"I don't know if you can.." I sighed.

I turned to him as he gently placed his hand on the side of my face.

"There's not a thing I wouldn't do for you.."

Tears began to well in my eyes as I stared into his.

"Noah, I think I fucked up.. fucked up real bad" I muttered as I began to sob.

He pulled me into his arms.

"Don't say that, Liv."

"I-I did." I muttered.

He wiped tears from my cheeks as he gently pulled away.

"Liv, whatever you did it's going to fix itself. I promise." He hummed.

I cracked a small smile.
"Y- You think?"

"I know.." he smiled as he slowly leant in closer to me.

This is what got me in this position, yet I found myself once again not able to pull away.

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