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Skip in her Step

I was helping set up to do a photo shoot for another group when Olivia arrived.
She happily just placed her things down on the table, quietly humming to herself.
She had been helping set up for the Smosh Games Alliance channel for the past few hours, so I hadn't seen her yet today.

"Is it just me, or is Olivia oddly happy today?" Keith turned to me.

"Yeah..?" I replied curiously.

"Hey Liv!" I called, watching her jump slightly,

"Oh, hey guys" she smiled.

"What's with you today, you're.. So cheery?" I asked, curious.

"Oh, I just had a good nights sleep, I guess." She shrugged.

"Ah-huh" I nodded, suspiciously.
"That's a nice shirt, where did you get it?"

"Oh, it's not mine. It's Courtney's" she replied.

"W-why are you wearing Courtney's shirt?" I asked, glancing to Keith.

"Uh, cause she let me borrow it..?"

"Don't you have a whole lot of shirts of your own?"

"Noah. Stop, you're doing it again" she exclaimed.

"Doing it again.. Okay, sorry. My mistake." I shook my head as I backed away.

"Dude, what has gotten into you?" Keith pulled me up.

"What? Nothing, why" i responded grudgingly.

"It's even in your tone of voice, what's the matter with you.?"

"I just.. Don't like Courtney" I exhale.

"Yeah. We ALL know that." He responded.
"But seriously. Is this because of you liking Olivia? Because ever since Courtney arrived you've been acting like an ass and I'll tell you this now, Olivia won't be into that"

"It's not that" I bit back.
"I just don't like the way they act around one another, is all."



An hour had past and we were now on lunch break.
I don't know what came over me but I was now obsessed with Olivia's every movement.
All day she had been on her phone, smiling and texting someone.
It could be a new guys or it could have been the neighbour.

I watched as she sat up, slipping on her jacket and tucking her phone into her pocket.
I walked to the balcony and waited.
It was a few minutes but Olivia made it out of the building and was heading to a car.
I don't like this.

She met someone and struck up a conversation before leaving them and getting into the car and promptly driving away.


"Hey, Liv!" Keith caught up to me just as I got out of the building.
He glanced back, seeing Courtney in the car.

"Hey, Keith!" I smiled

"Just keep an eye out for Noah, he hasn't been on his meds lately, so just.. Keep a close eye"

"Wait, Noah is medicated? For what?" I shook my head in confusion.

"He doesn't like people knowing this but he has severe paranoia and tends to lash out"

"Damn.. You think you know a guy." My eyes widened.

"Yeah, so just keep a close eye. Please"

"Will do, thanks Keith!" I waved him off as I got in the car with Courtney.
I couldn't help wonder why I have to keep a close eye on him, but anyways.

"Hey" Courtney smiled.

"Hey, so where are we going?" I queried as I leant over and kissed her cheek.

"Uh, I honestly don't know. So anywhere" she shrugged with a happy smile on her face.

What had she been doing all afternoon? I wonder,

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