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New friends

Hours had passed and before Olivia knew it, it was time for the bar to close.

She was on her eighth beer and was still lost and sad.

"C'mon Olive." The bartender slowly shoved her from her seat.
"You have to go."

"Where?" She poorly made out.
"I.. I have- NO where to go." She slurred.
He held her in his arms for a second as they stood by the door, she was too drunk to walk four steps on her own.. he couldn't just leave her to her own devices.

"Jesus, Okay." He called, wobbling as he tried to help her stand.
"Okay. Okay. I'm probably going to regret this but you can stay at mine." He sighed.

"Yay, a sleepover. I've never had a real friend." Olivia muttered as he led her to his truck.

"Jesus Christ, im kidnapping a drunk lady." He sighed as he got her in his car and drove her to his house.

On the way she threw up all over herself and his car, so he brought her in the house taking of vomit.

He relieved the baby sitter as he lead Olivia to the bathroom.

"God, I was a kidnapper and now I'm getting done for sexual assault.." he sighed as he took off her vomited clothes and threw them in the wash in basket.

"Oh.. did I undress myself?" Olivia muttered.
"Can I have a bath." She slurred as she squirmed.

"Shhhhh!" He hushed her.

"Shh..shh.." she repeated.
"Hey what's your name."

"God, I have no clean shirts.." he whispered before running out and into his room.

"That's a.. THATS a funny name." Olivia laughed to herself as she began slipping and sliding on the floor.

A nauseous feeling came over her and she made her way to the toilet, lifting the seat as she began to vomit.

After a few seconds of puking, once she was sure she could no longer vomit she pulled herself from the toilet and sat back on the cold tiles.

Hey eyes slowly traced to the door, where a little girl stood.

"Hey-Lo.." she tried to wave.
He came back with a shirt and shooed the child away.

"Who's.. that?" Olivia asked as he tried to put the shirt in her.

"That's my baby girl.." he uttered.

"You have a daughter"

"Yes. Marisa." He Mumbled as he pulled he shirt over her head and struggled to her her arms in.

"So.. your names clean shirts"

"No. my names Matt" he sighed.

"Oh" she giggled to herself.
"Clean shirts."

He looked at her curiously as he finally got both her arms through the sleeve holes.

"Is there a mrs clean shirts"


"Mrs Matt "

"No.. no. Let's get you to sleep.."

"Where's mrs Matt?" She uttered as he tucked a hand around her back and another under her legs, picking her up.

"There is no mrs Matt, stop asking." He turned to her.

"Oh.. Can I be mrs-"



He placed her down on his couch and wrapped a prepared blanket around her.

"Stay here and sleep." He urged.

"Wanna sleep with me?"


"Com- own!" She slurred.

"No, Olivia-" he was interrupted as she kissed him.

"Dude, that's disgusting." He turned away, referring to the fact she just thew up.

"You're hot.. I think I like blonde guys." She said, wrestling Matts blonde hair.

"Stop. Stop. Sleep!" He urged, holding her down.

"You're.. pretty cute.." she began to quietly slur before slowly drifting to sleep.

Matt let out a few gasps of relief before making his way to bed finally and tucking him and his daughter in.
Just as he was on the verge of sleep a thought crossed his mind.

She's going to throw up on my carpet, isn't she..

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