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Uh, oh. Spaghetti'oh

I was in town getting some coffee from this place work recommended, when I spotted Courtney, sitting down.
She was either everywhere I was or nowhere..

I ordered my coffee and made my way over to her.

"Hey, stranger?" I greeted with a smile, I'm not sure if she wanted to see me here or if I wanted to see her.. But we did.

"Hey, Neighbour! What are you doing on this side of the world" she said happily, placing her phone down as she looked up at me, intrigued.

"Just getting some coffee, I wanted to try this place out so.. Why not?" I shrugged with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, well this is my favourite place. I think you'll like it." She smiled.
I was too engrossed in our short conversation to hear that my coffee was done and the barista had been calling for me.

"Your.. Your coffee, Liv?" Courtney laughed.

"Oh. Yes" I shook my head as I walked over.
It wasn't new for me to embarrass myself especially intron the of people like Courtney.
I grabbed my coffee to go and walked back over to Courtney.

"Well, I'm gonna walk back to our building. Did you want to tag along?" I shrugged happily.
In all honesty I wanted her to come with me, we have to go through a really empty street with a shady alley way and I didn't like walking alone through there.

Courtney looked down at her half empty cup of coffee and back up to me.
"Sure, why not." She shrugged, I take it she noticed I was hesitant to go alone.

The two of us began our journey and we're two blocks away from the scary street and alley but were six blocks from our building.

"So what compelled you to try out the new coffee place?" I queried.

"They found half a rat in one of the coffee's at my old place so my friends thought it was time for a change." I laughed as I nervously gripped my coffee cup.

"Hey, is this street why you wanted me to come with you?" She gestured ahead at the quiet street.
I glanced to her, a guilty look.

"Yeah.." I giggled.

"I see why. It looks like the street of no return" Courtney uttered in a spooky voice.
I laughed, shaking my head,

"Stop, you'll make me cry." I shook my head as we made it to the street, with her it didn't even seem so scary as I watched her overtake me and continue to walk, making faces back at me.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
"Oh, I'll tag behind, I have a call."

"Hey, Noah. What's up?" I answered as I began to slow down.
I kept glancing up at Courtney who was a fair few metres ahead.

"Just wondering if you'll make it to record some videos this afternoon?" He asked.

"Sure, yeah" I giggled.
Courtney had me in such a positive mindset, I wasn't aware if us passing the alley.
I glanced down to the floor, as Noah went to speak but was cut off as someone gripped my arm and pulled me to toward the alley.

I pulled back, throwing my phone ahead of me and getting a good look at whoever had a grip on my arm,he was in all black, had a bristled beard, a blind eye and gold tooth.

"Hey! Let me go!" I shouted as the man pulled out a knife.
My facial expression dropped greatly as the man continued to pull me toward the alley.
I broke my hand free just as Courtney made her way down to me, her immediate reaction was to punch the man directly in the face, throwing him to the floor.

I grabbed my phone as Courtney grabbed my hand and the two of us began running up the street, laughing and panting heavily.

We made out way to out building but didn't stop until we were in Courtney's apartment.
We locked the door and fell to the floor, breathing very heavily.

"Jesus Christ. You were almost abducted!" Courtney laughed as she shook her head.
I was not at all scared, probably scarred from the scenario but.. Having Courtney with me, I was no longer scared.

"I would have been if it weren't for you." I exhaled, looking at her.
I smiled and she smiled back, following through with laughter.

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