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Teddy's are Toys, too!

We arrived at the movie theatre and i had just bought the tickets, despite the fact we were already late for the movie and would arrive fifteen minutes into it.

I scanned through the two small pieces of paper as I heard Olivia squeak in excitement.

I glanced up to see her staring at a claw machine in fascination.
I raised an eyebrow as she turned to me before running toward the machine.

I silently laughed as I walked behind her.

"Oh, oh! Look at that teddy bear!" She exclaimed before rummaging through her pockets.

She pulled out a couple coins before slotting them into the machine.

I leant on the wall beside the machine and watched as Olivia's smile only grew.

She positioned the claw above this golden and white teddy bear and released the small plastic arm to get it.

I watched as the claw picked up the bear and began taking it to the receiver tunnel.

Olivia squealed in excitement before the bear dropped, and she immediately froze.

I semi gawked as the bear fell an inch from the tunnel.
Olivia sighed as she continued to pull out more and more coins and continued to try and get the bear.

Once she ran out of money I started to pull out any loose change to let her use.
Once it became clear we were just losing money to a corp that specialised in scamming, I stopped lending Olivia money.

She sighed and bowed her head in defeat.
I shrugged and shooed her away and I crouched down to the small door at the bottom of the machine, pulled it up as reached my arm up through the tunnel.
Olivia looked surprised as she watched me.

I felt the bear and pulled it through the tunnel, along with two others.

"Well.. that wasn't worth the twenty dollars.." I laughed to myself as I pulled out the tree plushies and handed them to Olivia.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaimed as she pulled me into a tight hug.

I laughed and pat her on the back.
"Is it a bad time to say we're now very late for that movie.?" I suggested as she let me go.

"We can skip it and go to the beach?" She shrugged.
"But then we would have wasted a lot of money.."

"We didn't waste anything" I shrugged as I dropped the tickets.
"We still had fun even if we didn't see the movie?"
Olivia smiled so cheerily as we walked out of the theatre.

"Thanks Courtney." She genuinely smiled as she glanced at me.
I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and continued to walk.

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