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Slightly less Normal Days

I woke up to my alarm pulsing through my head.
I grunted as I rolled over and I hit the snooze button.

My brain felt like it had been tenderised with a mallet.
I groaned ever louder as I checked the time on my alarm clock.
I was an hour late for work, I grunted as I pulled myself from bed and quickly got ready.

I knew that "hey sorry, I was up all night drinking with my new neighbour" isn't a good excuse for being late, neither was being hungover.
I had no choice but to rush.


I pulled up to work, when it hit me.
I was supposed to pick up Noah and Keith.

UUUUHH. They're gonna be so pissed!

I got out of my car and ran inside, taking the elevator and running straight to the meeting room.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" I practically yelled as I ran inside.

"It's okay, Noah filled out some notes for you." Ian shrugged as I took my seat.

"I'm so so sorry you guys!" I begged Keith and Noah.

They just shook their heads and sighed.
"Which show is this for?" I asked.

"Were planning on starting a new one, but we were thinking of recruiting some new people for it." Ian shrugged.

"Oh god, please can this not be my replacement." I urged Ian.

He chucked
"No, it's not. We were just thinking since the other channel got some new recruits that you guys may as well."

"Okay, that's something I can check out this evening." I sighed.

"I can go talk to the writers about this bit. Keith, you coming?" Noah called.

"One second." He said.
Noah shrugged as him and Ian walked out into the hall.

"Liv, where have you been?" He whispered.

"I kinda.." I sighed "I hung out with Courtney and I may have had too much to drink." I sighed, lazily shaking my head.

"Well. You can't slip up like this again.."

I nodded and he got up and left.
This is just great.


I opened my front door and threw my things inside.
I was tired. I didn't want to move.
I closed and locked my front door, still being out in the hall as I fell back to the soft, carpeted hallway, feeling my back hit the hard wall.

I opened my eyes, not realising I had fallen asleep.
I was in Courtney's apartment.
She must have come home or woken up to find me in the hallway.

I stretched my arms out as I sat up.

"Hey sleepyhead." She greeted me cheerily as she walked down the stairs in pyjamas.


"Um, your work called and I told them you were sick. Is that okay?" She asked cautiously.

"Why did work call?" I queried, raising an eyebrow.

"Because you didn't go in today?"

"Yeah.. I thought I did?"

"Let me rephrase, it's Wednesday.. you've been asleep all day." She said, worryingly.

"Oh.. dammit." I grunted, falling back onto the soft cushions.

"They also said to call back if you wanted to take them up on this offer?" She shrugged.

"Like, a few weeks off to get 'your head in one place'?"

"Oh... that." I sighed.

She walked over and sat beside me on the couch.

"Liv, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just.."


"Uh, you know that ex I told you about?"

"Yeah, the one you dumped three months ago?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well.. he got with my friend not long after and I've kind of been in a bad place since." I sighed, sitting up.

"Oh.. I'm.. I'm sorry." She sighed.

"It's okay. I mean. It's not the worst thing that could have happened" i muttered.

"Okay. Well, did you want some.. three o'clock breakfast?"

"Sounds great." I smiled

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