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Days and days

It's been almost two weeks since Matt and Marisa got out of hospital.
They decided to move in with Matt's parents until this whole things blows over.
So they ended up sending us a post card from Hawaii, where his parents and him now live.

"Pretty cute, huh?" I smiled as my head gently rested on Olivia's shoulder.

"Mhmm." She responded with a smile.
My legs wrapped around her hips and sat under her legs as one of my arms was around her waist and the other held the post card.

"I like this one towel, right here" she pointed.

"The one with panda in a speedo?" I laughed as she nodded.

"Yeah, why not?" Olivia giggled in response.

"If I can find you a towel like that I'll get you one." I said as her fingers began twirling in with mine.

"You don't have to."

"I want to."

"Materialistic objects don't define love." She stated.
I smiled, pressing my cheek against hers.
"You being here with me now does."

I dropped the postcard and held her so tightly.
I didn't want to let her go.

I'm going to make her mine forever.

"Mm.. what do you say about dinner tomorrow night?" I hummed happily.

"I'm glad we have dinner every night. I take it this ones special?" She asked.

"Of course."

"Sounds great. Where?" She hummed happily.

"Somewhere fancy. You'll see." I kissed her cheek as she smiled wider.

"What's if for?"

"Just because I love you."

"I love you too."

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