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Date Night

Courtney and I had been, well. 'A thing', since no one made anything official, for three weeks now.
Noah has been really suspicious and quite short tempered, while Keith was staring to catch on.
No one else at the office had a single clue.

Now, Courtney and I are a strange breed of people.
We had originally had plans to go out to some fancy restaurant but missed the reservation by an hour because we were too engrossed in each others stories, so the two of us decided to pour some wine and share a bubble bath.

The bubbles were six inches thick as we sat opposite one another.
We would happily sip our wine and tell each other stories, which we had basically been doing since we got back from work.

"Yeah, and then he said in the most macho voice..." Courtney began as I went to sip my drink.
"How bout dinner later, fatty", and then he winked at me?"

I spat out out my wine as I began to laugh, hearing Courtney's laugh echoing mine.

"He really said that?" I giggled as I wiped the spattered wine from my face.
County nodded, still laughing.

"That's so creepy!" I exclaimed shaking my head.

"Yeah" Courtney's laugh faded. "So what happened with you at work?" She smiled.

"Ugh, I was given a task to find two new people to join the team." I sighed as I went back to sip my wine.

"Awe cool, what are the requirements?" Courtney sat up, revealing a bubble beard.
I laughed notably whilst trying to swallow my drink before wiping the beard off.
Courtney just smiled.

"The requirements.. I don't know, you have to be funny and fluent... Camera friendly?" I replied.

"Do you think I'd be right for the part?" Courtney's eyes beamed.
I practically threw my drink as I went to place it on the rim of the bath.

"Oh, oh!" I exclaimed excitedly "yes you would!"
Courtney's smile grew wider as I tried to force out more words.
"I can get you in for a job on Monday and since I'm head of the task I can pull you through!" I clapped.

Courtney raised her arms in victory as she smiled wider.
"Oh, yay! No more being sexually harassed at work!" She called.

"Oh-" I cut myself down.
"Do you think we would get sick of each other.. You know, seeing us constantly together everyday?" I uttered sadly, beginning to frown.

Courtney leant towards me, placing her hands softly under my chin.
I don't think I could ever get sick of you, my dear. She smiled before gently kissing me.
"Besides, we practically spend every day together anyways." She said softly.

I smiled, placing my hand on her cheek.

How could I be so lucky to find you.


We had gotten dried and dressed into our Pyjamas which was practically different coloured sweat pants and baggy jumpers, since it was cold.
We decided to complete our fancy date night we would curl up on the couch with some blankets, order Chinese food and watching chick flicks on Netflix.

Courtney grabbed the blankets and pillows from upstairs whilst I went next door and grabbed mine and brought them to her living room.

As I lugged the big, baggy blankets out into the hall I ran into the Chinese food guy.
I apologise, squirmed into Courtney's apartment, grabbed my wallet and payed him, take our food.

Once my hands were full and I waved the man off, I noticed Noah, walking down the hall.
I immediately stepped back, slamming the door shut and locking it.

"What's all that about?" Courtney called.

"Nothing" I stated as I brought the food over.
Courtney had arranged the blankets and pillows in the, seemingly, most comfy way possible.

I place all the food items in front of us, opened a window and curled up in the blankets with Courtney.
I rested my head on her shoulder, curling my hand into hers as we started a movie.

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