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Home town

It's been two whole years since I moved to Malibu with Noah and an entire year since I spoke to any of my ex coworkers.

It could be since I'd gotten cocky, Noah and I recently had our business peek and we sold it for a lot of money.

I was walking home from my book club meeting (yep) glancing at my beautiful silk gloves as I began my walk to the store.

I was maybe two streets away when I felt a tug at my arm.
I turned to see a man with a knife standing behind me, uttering something as he continued to tug at my purse.

I looked at him and scowled before firmly punching him in the face.
He fell to the floor and I had to take off my gloves since they were getting dirty.

I kicked him once in the chest, not going back to kick him again since I was in stilettos.

I began to walk away, a recalling a brief thought.
Courtney came to my mind when I punched that man..

The way she came down and hit him, knocking him to the floor before grabbing me and running off..
She was quite the thing..

After that thought I felt a bit down and decided to go straight home.


Huffed and slightly out of tune I opened the front door to my house, hearing a faint creeping from upstairs.

I was positive Noah wasn't home, he told me he wouldn't be home til 4.

I pulled out my phone, seeing it was 12:15pm..
I placed down my bag and slid off my shoes as I tried to make it to the second story of our third story house..

I made it to the top of he first staircase, Unarmed I immediately grabbed the flower vase on the table above he steps, emptying the flowers and water onto the floor as I came closer to the noise.

It was coming from the spare room, the creaking of springs.
I opened the door, being met with a heart breaking sight..

My heart fell to my stomach as the two noticed me and I slowly began making my way back to the stairs.

"Olivia-? Olivia!" Noah called as he went to follow me.

"Olivia, it's not what it looks li- it's not what it looks like!" He called shuffling pants on.

Just as I reached the staircase he caught up to me, pulling me to face him.

I immediately slammed the case down on his head, feeling tears welling in my eyes as he let me go and I stormed down the stairs.

"OLIVIA. DONT YOU WALK OUT ON ME." He yelled angrily.
I ignored him as I reached the door.

"WHERE WILL YOU GO, YOU HAVE NO ONE BUT ME! OLIVIA!" He yelled as I slammed the door shut and began walking, bare foot and with nothing but my phone on me.

I had no money, no shoes and Noah was right, no one..

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