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I don't know

The three of us were eating dinner around the course are table.
Marisa was telling us about her friends at school and all the fun things they do together.
Matt brought up her report card and how proud he was of her, but she didn't care about his opinion.
She turned to me, a wide smile one her face.

"Are you proud of me?" She squeaked adorably.

I looked at Matt, smiling as he chewed his food.

"Marisa's of course I'm proud of you.." I exclaimed with a smile.
She began cheering and clapping her hands happily as I told her.
I ruined back to Matt, smile on his face as he gently laughed.

"I think she likes you" he huffed as he nudged me.
A sudden feeling of acceptance washed over me as I looked down at my plate..
I finally felt at home, more at home than I did with Noah..

I'm finally happy.

We'd all finished dinner and decided to curl up on the couch for a movie.
I had my head on Matt's shoulder and my arms around Marisa as she was curled up between the two of us.
I felt like I was wanted with them, like I was apart of their family.

I smiled as Marisa's little fingers twirled my hair as she looked up at me.
An adorable smile spread her cheeks as she did.

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