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Two Months

I clarified with Matt that what I said before was a mistake and he took it well. He was happy even.
It's been six months since I met Matt, I got the divorce finalised about a week ago so Noah and I are now nothing.
Matt asked me out a few days ago he asked me out on a real date.!
It's tonight and at this really fancy hotel restaurant.

I'd put on the black dress I was wearing the night we met.
Since now it was completely cleaned of vomit and smelt like daisies.

I'd done my makeup really well, curling my hair and wearing bright red lipstick.
I was so excited.

I heard my phone by the bed so I walked over, noticing a text message.
From Matt.

"Mathias: sorry, Marisa got sick at her friends I'm on my way from work to get her now. I already called you a taxi <3"

Okay, he will be a little late.. who cares, as long as Marisa is okay.

I made my way down stairs and to the restaurant.
The waiter took me to my seat and I patiently waited.
I couldn't stop smiling as I twirled my fork on my napkin.

We're going on a date, for real.
I never thought he'd ask me I never thought he'd do it.. but we are.

Minutes went by, feeling like hours and he still didn't show..
I sighed, pulling all my patients together. But it was no use.


I'd been waiting an hour now.
Multiple waiters have come and gone and still no sign of him.
*buzz, buzz* my phone vibrated on the table, making a loud and distinguishable noise.

"Mathias: I'm so so sorry, Liv. Marisa is so sick I can't make it."

I dropped my fork, grabbing my phone and wallet as I made my way to the bar.

I dropped my shit in the bar counter as I sat in the little uncomfortable stools.

"A bee- no, a glass of red wine. Please" I uttered.
I seemed to be taking out my anger on every other bartender but Matt.

Leaves me waiting a fucking hour.
Gets my fucking hopes up.

"Ma'am. You're spilling your wine." A lady beside me spoke.

"Jesus. Sorry." I sighed, keeping eye contact with my glass as I shakily sipped it.

"Rough night?" She asked.

"Oh, fuck yes." I sighed.
"Everyone wants to fucking hurt me.."

"Ugh. I know the feels." She sighed, ordering another drink.

"So what brings you here?" I queried, swirling my drink.

"I was looking for someone.." she uttered.

"Oh. Sorry to hear."

"I wouldn't be." She replied.

"Why were you looking for them?"

"Because I missed her.." she relied.
I sipped my drink and avoided eye contact with EVERYONE who was near me, even my own reflection.

"A girl, huh? Don't go there.. if you're anything like me you'll fuck it up and spend the rest of your life regretting it." I sighed, sipping again.

"Yeah" she laughed, sounding somewhat familiar.
"I'm here because she did that.. years ago.. when we were young, and in love.." she uttered before getting out of her chair.

"Y'know" she began.
"My door is still unlocked."

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