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Hello my darling, hello my dear.

It was Marisa's seventh birthday and Matt had convinced me to help with the party.. Since I convinced him to throw one for her.
"We're out of streamers and I'm stuck." He called from the living room.

I laughed as I pinned up the banner.
"The extra streamers are above you." I called.

"Olivia, remember the stuck part."


"Well, I'm that."

I laughed again ands came down the ladder. I made my way into the living room where Matt was on his back, one hand grasping the table as another grasped the end of a streamer.
I wondered how he was stuck until I saw his foot, pressed against the wall, holding the rope for the net of balloons.

I laughed as I leant over him, grabbing the spare streamers then grabbing the rope for the net.

"Thank you." He huffed.

"I would reply to the but the rope is coming undone." I said staring up at the ceiling.

He typed the ribbon down then came over, he stood inches away but couldn't seem to see.
"I'm sorry for this." He stated as he pressed himself right against me, squishing me slightly.

"Yeah it will be fi-" before he could finish his sentence the rope made a cracking sound.

"Okay, let that go and com forward.."


"There's a big metal chunk on the end of the rope and it will concuss you." He stated as he grabbed my hands and pulled me directly under the net.
I looked to him, his deep blue eyes he my gaze, I felt hypnotised and hadn't heard the loud crack and bang behind me as the rope fell.
He looked down, into my eyes and smiled as balloons slowly fell around us.
A brief smile caught his lips as he slowly leant toward me
I innocently stared back as he slowly leant grew closer, his hands grazed my cheek as his lips met mine, he kissed me.

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