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Normal Days

The three of us were sitting on the couch watching Jaws.
Keith was terrified and Noah was on his phone, whilst I was back and fourth with Ice cream.

"Why do we have to watch this!" Keith urged.

"You chose the movie??" I exclaimed when suddenly a knock at the front door got my attention.

"Oh, thank god!" Keith screamed as we paused the movie.
I laughed as I got up and went to answer the door.

As I opened the door I was met with a beautiful, blonde girl holding a packaged box cutter.

"Hi." She smiled, shrugging sheepishly.
"I'm Courtney, your new neighbour." She began as Keith and Noah gawked at her from the other end of the room.
"I just wanted to know if I could please borrow some scissors?" She shrugged.

"Sure, come on in." I said calmly as I gestured for her to come inside.

"I keep them around here somewhere." I muttered as I began rummaging through my kitchen drawers.

"Liv.." - faint tap on my shoulder caused me to jump.

"What- Noah." I turned.

"Wow. Your new neighbour is hoot.."

"Oh shoo." I muttered as he walked over to Keith.
I rummaged some more and finally found the scissors.

"Will these do?" I asked as I handed her the pair.

"Brilliant, thank you." She smiled.

"Oh, I'm Olivia, by the way." I smiled as I walked her out.

"Hello Olivia. Nice to meet you." She joked as she walked into the hall.

"You too, Courtney" I nodded as she waved us off and I closed the door.

"Your neighbour is hot!" Keith yelled.

"Yes. We all know my neighbour is hot." I joked, shaking my head.

"Do you think she'd say yes if I asked her out?" Noah piped up.

"Not a chance." I shook my head.
"Now go home, we have work tomorrow morning" I muttered as I shooed the two once more.

"Fine. Your carpooling though." Noah called as the two walked out into the hall.

"You sound like a soccer mom. Now go." I joked as I waved them off.

"Idiots" I sighed.
I laid back onto my couch.


Roughly an hour and a half had gone by, I was bored out of my mind.
I had decided to go see how Courtney was doing, unpacking.

So I causally walked over.
After leaving my apartment I noticed the hallway was clear of boxes, which I thought was a good sign.

I walked over and knocked on her door.

"It's open!" She called.

"That was stupid. I could have been a serial killer." I smiled as I opened the door and peeked in.

"Oh phew. Thank your for not being one" she joked as she continued opening boxes and stacking shelves.

"Did you need a hand with anything?" I asked, marvelling at her apartment.
A black felt couch beside a window, nice white kitchen, flat screen tv.
Her apartment was officially bomb.

"Did you come for the scissors? They're on the counter." She smiled.

"Nah, I just came to see how you were doing." I shrugged.

"Oh. Well.. do you want a drink?"

"Sure" I smiled.

"I just put there chairs out on the balcony if you wanted to hang out for a bit?" She added as she grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle from her pantry.

"Sounds great." I shrugged.
She handed me a glass and the two of us walked out.

It was 8 at night so we had a beautiful view of the stars as we sat on two, comfy, porch chairs.

"This is a beautiful view" I smiled as she poured me a glass of wine.

"Don't you gave the same view from your balcony?"

"I would, the door jammed two years ago and now an angry raccoon sleeps there at night" I laughed pulling my glass to my lips as I took a sip.

"Wow. That's.. really strange?" She laughed.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg." I joked.
We continued drinking and taking about every aspect of our lives throughout the night.

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