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I had everything set up for tonight, a romantic steak dinner on the balcony.. Under the stars, home cooking.. Roses on the table and lots of lights scattering the balcony, wine. The whole ordeal
I decided I'd sit on the balcony floor by the table and stare at the sky to pass the time.
I was feeling depressed, I was scared I was gonna lose her..
No, stop thinking like that.
Ian called me and told me I got the job so.. I'll see he on Monday anyways.

I heard someone slamming on my door, in a mist of confusion I got up and walked toward my door, hearing the thuds growing louder and more violent.
I opened the door to see Olivia, standing in the hallway in tears.

By instinct I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her shake. She sobbed.

"N-no" she shuttered pulling away.
I stared at herb, lost and worried As she shook her head.
"No, no don't.." She mumbled in a sob.

"Olivia, what is it?" I uttered.

"I- I went to lunch w-with James" she shook her head, I frowned slightly and went to speak but she cut me off.
"Don't." She shook her head continuing to cry,
"We kissed"
I gasped slightly, stepping back.
"But you didn't-"

"We.. We meaning I kissed him back." She called.
I raised my eyebrows as my chest seemed to tighten.
I could feel my heart pounding and shaking my whole body as she continued to speak.

"I kissed him and it wasn't a peck it was an actual full on k-kiss" she whimpered.
"And all I did was think- think of you- but I- I - I still kissed him"

I stepped back Into my apartment, gripping my door as I fought against tears.
"I.. Um.." I uttered.

"I love him.. Still ,but not..-"

"Don't.. Finish that sentence." I stopped her.
"I'm sorry Olivia... I.. I don't think I can do this with you.." I shook my head.
"Not if I can't trust you."

Her eyes continued to water as I stared the to floor, keeping a straight face.
"Courtney, please." She begged.

"Courtney, no please, no!" She begged as I closed the door.
She continued to sob on the other side for a second before heading into her apartment.
I pressed my back against the door, feeling my chest heating up as my heart pounded.

Tears trickled down my cheeks as I slowly lost myself.
I began to sob, clutching my shirt as I felt my heart shatter.

I want her so badly..
To be with her, and this happens.

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