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Drunk Savvy

I made my way to the furthest bar I could walk to and sat down right at the front of the bar.

"What's wrong miss, down on your luck?" The bartender asked.

"As always." I pouted.

"Well what's got you?"

"I don't think you'd be interested in my story.."

"Try me." He exclaimed as he poured a glass of beer and served it.

"Well.. I was cheated on by a man I loved, then cheated on a woman I was in love with with the man that cheated on me, dated a man I didn't love, married and moved away with him just for him to cheat on me.." I sighed.

The bartender's eyebrow raised as I explained my story.

"Well uh, how about a beer.?" He offered, pouring me a glass.

"I'm more of a wine girl.." i sighed.

"I can tell, but I don't know where we keep the wine" he called.

"I don't have any money." I added.

"This ones on the house." He smiled.

I smiled and thanked him as I took the drink.

"And if you want anymore just give me your husbands number and I'll tax him, alright?" He smirked.

"Thank you" I hummed very grateful.

I grabbed the glass and took a sip, the bitter taste funnelling through my mouth as if it'd never end.

"Oh, it tastes like very bitter water." I shook my head.

"Yeah, its not for everyone." The bartender laughed.

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