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I woke up, it was late in the afternoon since Olivia and I had a late night.

She was so sweet and pure.
It broke my heart to see her in such a state.
I gently brushed the hair from her cheeks as she was cuddled up to me.
Her face was inches from mine, I couldn't help but marvel at her.

She was my baby, my love.
She's been my missing puzzle piece for years and I finally get her back and she tears a part.

I was going to host her a party.
A last minute party.



I was walking back from a coffeeshop.
Smiling down at my coffee, I couldn't help but think of her.

I sipped my drink as I began walking up that same spooky street.
I decided to call her as I walked up it.
I wasn't afraid anymore since they blocked off the alley and either way I knew Courtney would be down here in the blink of an eye.

"Uh. Hey, you!" She said sounding exhausted.
What's she doing?

"Hey babe. I just wanted to talk to you."

She laughed"you're walking up that spooky ass street, aren't you?" She spoke calmly.

"Uh.. kinda."

"Okay. Well come straight home!" She called.

"I wi-" I stopped, hearing Courtney on the other end.

"Shut up or she will hear you.!" She whispered.

"What. Courtney who's there?" I asked, stopping in the middle of the road.

"Uh.. no one." She said.
I raised an eyebrow.
Is she lying to me?

"I heard you say something" I stated.
"You hushed someone."

"No. no i didn't." She replied sounding very certain.


"See you when you get home, my love!" She exclaimed before promptly hanging up.

I stood in the middle of the road, a good view of our building from where I stood.

I stared up at where I assumed to be our window when a bunch of thoughts ran through my mind.

Could.. could she be cheating on me?

A sudden sick feeling took me as I began to make my way to the building.

I paced slowly, slower than usual.
I was hoping to prove myself wrong.

I made my way up to our room, hearing Courtney laughing before immediately hushing..

If she was cheating whoever with would have gone by now..

I opened the door, curious as I spotted Courtney in the kitchen just casually doing the dishes.

I slowly closed the door behind me and looked around the room.

"Okay. Either you're talking to someone or I have hearing problems.
I shook my head as I walked over and immediately hugged her.

"No. you were right about the first one.!" A familiar voice called.

I jumped, immediately letting Courtney go as I turned to the stairs.

No one was there but.. someone had to be?

"Who was that..." I stammered, almost excited as I began walking toward the staircase which led to our room.

"Go find out..." Courtney smiled as I began mounting the stairs and quickly running up.

To my surprise, my eyes were met with a group of people, all seated on my bed or standing around it.

Tears welled in my eyes as they all simultaneously yelled

I ran over and wrapped my arms around some as he rest of the group joined in for a group hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" I muttered.
"We missed you too, little lady!" Keith smiled back.
"Great to have you home Liv."
I was surrounded by the whole smosh fam for the first time in over two years..


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