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Hey, how you doin'

It's been five months, almost six, Matt let me move in and even got me a well paying job as a waitress as his bar.

I really think I'm falling for the guy, the little things he does and just how responsible he is.
He's perfect.

"Mornin'." He smiled as he stood at the door.
I stretched having him come over, lean ontop of me.
His hands were on my hips as he kissed my forehead.

"Hey." I smiled.

"How are you?" He hummed, still atop of me.

"Great." I smiled gently moving my hands to his soft cheeks.

"What're you doing?" He asked, curiously.

I gently pressed my lips against his as I pulled him into the bed with me.

"I have to take Marisa to school." He said, breaking our kiss.

"Mhmm." I muttered, kissing him again.

"Mm.." he hummed before pulling away.
"I really need to go."

"Mm. I know." I sighed.

"How can I make it up to you.?" He thought.
"Hmm.. given your past stories. How about a date?"

I gasped, clutching his cheeks.

"Of I carn has my face back" he muttered, so I released his cheeks.
"Ow.." be quietly exhaled.

"A date?" I called.

"Oh, you're the best!!" I muttered as I wrapped my hands around him.

"Baby. I know I'm the best but I have a child I need to get to school."

"Ugh. I love you." I muttered, squishing his his face.
His eyes widened at my notion and I almost immediately regret it.

"I'll see you tonight when I get home. Bye" he said, kissing me before running off.

"Well. Fuck" I sighed.

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