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Hello, Old friend

My jaw cocked open as my eyes darted up.
I turned to the sea of people, searching effortlessly for the one, golden blonde I'd been without for years.
My eyes shifted around the room, unable to spot her.
It wasn't until I noticed the balcony, that I saw her silhouette fade.

I got up and made my way toward the balcony after her, watching her golden curls bounce in the moonlight as she leant against the railing.

"How did..." I began to muffle as I stood at the balcony door.

"How did I what? Find you." She began as she stared at the fluorescent dancing stars above her, she let out a faint chuckle before continuing.
"I didn't find you, you found me. You just isn't know it."
Not once did she turn back to me or make any form of eye contact.

I slowly stepped out toward her, taking place beside her against the railing.
From where she was looking I could only see the outline of her cheeks and eyes.

"Courtney.." I muttered, fearing this was a dream.
She turned to me, the moonlight sparkling in her eyes.
"Why didn't you stop me.." I whimpered as tears welled in mine.

"Stop you from what? Marrying, wealth, your own business?" She muttered.

"From leaving you.."

"That was years ago Olivia. All I needed was your patients and we could have worked things out.. We may have even lived together in OUR own house by now.." She stated calmly as she turned back to the sky.

I wiped a tear from my eye as I began to softly laugh.
"Well your life is probably better than mine." I sniffed as I looked to my hands.

"You could say that"

A moment of silence took us as I realised how much she had changed and I don't know why..

"Are.. Are you seeing someone?"

"Mm, no." She replied calmly still.

"Any kids?"

"Not exactly.."

"What does that mean."

"Well, I'm a godmother and on some legal documents a widow with two kids.." She shrugged.
"But no legitimate family."

"What about Shayne?"

"He's married now, two kids." She shrugged..
"How's Noah?"

"Divorced and fucking an eighteen year old" I shrugged.

"Sorry to hear."

"Don't be, these last two years a have been hell.. I never should have left you.."

"You probably shouldn't have.."
My heart began to sank, she had not only changed.. She stopped loving me by the sounds of things.

"Do you want me to go..?"

"Weren't you just stood up?" She questioned.

"Yeah.. So."

"I'm not going to abandon you, Liv.."

"Kinda feels like you already have."
She turned around, her eyes meeting mine as she looked dead at me.

"Olivia, I hope you know this. I never abandon you." She calmly stated.
"I had a lovely evening planned for us and you kissed your ex. You broke my heart then you got with Noah and fucked off." She added, still in the same calm tone.
"You abandon me."

I closed my eyes, feeling her hand softly graze my arm.
I looked up at her, a brief smile on her face.
"But I'm here now.."

I looked into her eyes and suddenly everything rushed back to me.
I was cruel and wrong to do everything that I did to her..

"Do you want to dance?"

"Dance? But there's no music."
She smiled as she took her hand in mine, and wrapped her other around my waist.

"Nothing ever stopped you before.." she hummed.

I rested my head on her chest, hearing her heartbeat as my other arm was wrapped around her back.

Oh how I missed this, being in her arms.
Close to her heart.

"How long are you here for?" I quietly hummed and wow continued to slowly dance.

"Not long. I was visiting my cousin tonight after his date." She quietly muttered in response.

"Who's your cousin.?"

"His name is Mathias, do you know him?"

I sighed, holding onto her tighter.
"More than you'd of liked."

"He's your date, isn't he?"

"Figures." I added.

She gently parted us as we halted our dance.
"You're going to leave me now, aren't you." I sighed.

"Maybe. I have a home to attend to." She shrugged softly.

"I'm not going to see you again..am I?" I frowned as I looked back to my feet.

She smiled and caressed my cheek.
"That's not for me to decide." She hummed.

I held her hand as she turned again and began to walk.
It felt as if though my family was leaving me.. My home and future all gone as our hands slowly separated and she made her way out of sight..

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