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Take this part however you want to, I just mushed two parts into one and I think I hate it.🙄

"She drinks like she wants to die." Many people stated.
Which was true, Olivia's drinking had gotten out of proportion since the accident.

As if she wanted to give herself alcohol poisoning.

Olivia sighed as she stared into the small white box.
Inside sat a ring, encrusted with diamonds and on the inside, written in cursive it read "Ill love you until my last breath.".
Every night she'd put it back in that box, and every day she brandished the ring on her finger, boasting to others about her golden haired fiancé, Courtney.
Since she refused to come to terms with her death out in the open.
Photos of the two were sprawled across the apartment and Courtney's things were often put around the room or tucked away nicely and the balcony was off limits.

Olivia clasped the box in her hand, taking it up to her bedroom.
She lauded on the duvet, placing the ring on the bedside table beside her as she laid down.

She adjusted a photo, beside the ring, smiling at it as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Her love.
Her one true love, her fairytale romance..
It was all taken away and she didn't know why.

She grabbed the photo and pulled it closer to her chest as she forced her eyes shut.
The pain was coursing through her in one sum.

It wasn't until a knock at her her door brought her back.

"Liv. You in there?" The voice said softly.
She knew who it was, she knew why he was here.
"Look. I'm not going to hurt you I- I just need you to talk to me.." Noah's voice cracked as if he was about to cry.

Ignoring him, She just waited for the alcohol she'd been over drinking all week to take her away...
So she could be with the love of her life.

And then, as her eyes began to close she began to see her.
In the back of her mind, with her cheery smile, welcoming her.

Olivia smiled as her eyes finally shut.

Until My Last BreathWhere stories live. Discover now