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I could feel a slight headache from the booze at the beach last night but aside from that I was fine.

I opened my eyes, seeing rays of sun beaming through the slats on my blinds.
I smiled as my eyes were then met with the most beautiful girl in the world.

I knew that if I told her she'd shy away but that's okay because right now I don't have to worry about that.

I brushed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, watching as her eyes slowly opened and were met with mine.

I giggled
"Good morning." I muttered as the two of us rolled into our back.

"Ow, god. Do you have aspirin?" She mumbled slowly.
I rolled over and opened the drawer on my bedside table, pulling out a sheet of the tablets.

"Here you go" I said as I handed her the sheet and got out of bed.

I grabbed a dressing gown and wrapped it around myself.

"Did you want a coffee?" I said as I walked over to her.

"Oh god, please"she groaned.

I smiled as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, preparing the coffee's.

I couldn't stop thinking about last night.
Was I wrong to let it happen?
I don't know.

All I'm sure about is that I really do like her.. I'm not even positive that she remembers lastnight, I mean.. We drank a lot I'm surprised we didn't drown!

I stirred the sugar into her coffee, I was so engrossed in my own thoughts I hadn't heard her come down the stairs.
She gently tapped my shoulder, I turned around slightly startled.

She was just standing behind me, fiddling with her hands and her head toward the floor.

"Hey, uh.. I'm sorry for the way I behaved lastnight," she choked out nervously.
I raised an eyebrow as her eyes met mine, she seemed sincere.

"I get uh- a little funny when I drink.. That's why Noah doesn't let me- uh" she laughed nervously.
Ah.. Yes, Noah..
I wanted to grab her and kiss her now, prove to her Noah isn't shit but- no.. This is just a childish crush, don't feed the flame.
I let her finish.
"I hope I didn't scare you away or anything.."

"No, it's fine. Really" I assured her with a gently smile.
As much as I resisted the urge to kiss her or tell her I liked her, it was stupid.
Just like all those other girls I've liked it always been a phase and I'm only egging it on by thinking about her.

But what if it's not a phase? What if she is the start to your life as you.

I'm me already, just a little.. Confused.

And if you're not? If you're just lying to yourself and letting yourself believe it's a "phase".
Cut the slack, you're into her. My mine fiercely fought back.

"No." I uttered, somewhat angrily.
Olivia's eyes widened at my gesture.

"I'm sorry..?" She queried.

"Oh, geez. I said that out loud" I laughed, feeling flustered.

"Yeah, you did..?" Olivia said somewhat worried,
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just let my mind get the best of me- uh, here's your coffee!" I smiled p, handing her the mug.


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