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Normal Days

I sat down on my sofa, my leg over the armrest and my back against the seat cushions.
I was scrolling through social media since I never have anything to do on my days off.

"Your weekly horoscope;
You're very lucky, this week your 'something special' is bound to arrive at your doorstep.
It shall change your life in ways you never know how, and you may even discover something new about yourself"
After a few more minutes of mind numbingly boring feed and sponsored ads I came across something that I wish I hadn't.

"Happy One Year Anniversary, baby! I love you!" The post read, a photo attachment showed a photo of my ex and who I thought was his new girlfriend.

I sighed, laying my head back.

It hurt to read that since we had only broken up three months ago.
I dropped my arm lazily off the side of the couch, losing grip of my phone and hearing it collide with my wooden floor.

"Ugh.. greeaat" I sighed.
I didn't move to get it, I stayed in the same position for about half an minute until I heard my front door opening.

I glanced up to see Noah and Keith. They'd let themselves in as always and immediately went to my fridge.

"Hey guys." I sighed, watching Keith jump as he noticed me.

"Oh, hey Liv. Didn't see you there." He laughed.
Noah grabbed the first thing he saw in my fridge before the two came and sat beside me.

"How are you.?" Noah asked cautiously.

"Dandy. What about you two?" I sighed.

"Were fine. But we heard about James and.. well" Noah shrugged.

"Were so sorry to hear, Liv." Keith butted in.

"Thanks guys." I shrugged.

"We're sure you'll find the right guy someday."

"Fingers crossed." I added before getting up and walking to my fridge.

"Anyways.. did you know Lilly from next door is moving out?" Noah called.

I grabbed a tub of ice cream from my freezer and a spoon.

"Awe. No I didn't know" I muttered as I opened the Icecream and began to eat it from the tub.

"Yeah, all her stuff is in the hall. You think we should go and say goodbye?" Noah added.

"Why not. She was a great neighbour." I shrugged.

"Oh, I wonder what your next neighbour will be like. Maybe and elderly couple?" Keith shrugged.

"Or some teenagers who always party?" Noah joked.

"Drunks, alcoholics?" Keith added, the two began laughing to one another as they confined to throw out ideas on who the new neighbours would be.

"Oh shut up and let's go say bye." I palmed the two off.

They shrugged and I put my ice cream back as we all walked out into the hall and just as the guys said it was filled with boxes.

"Woah.. I didn't know Lilly owned this much stuff.." I exclaimed as I gawked as the mounds of boxes.

"Me neither?" The other two cluelessly shrugged.

We walked through the boxes and knocked on the door.
Hearing rummaging inside followed by a loud and pained yelp.

"Okay. I'll get the door you get an ice pack!" Was clearly heard through the door.

I looked at the guys strangely as the door creaked open and there stood Lilly.
Her long, straight black hair was scattered across her face.

"Oh. Hey guys-" she muttered in an attempt to nonchalantly swat her hair from her face.

"Hey Lil, you're moving out?" I spouted.

"Yeah, Ohh!" She exclaimed as she held out her hand.
Curiously I glanced down, hearing her excitedly squeal at the decent sized ring on her finger.

"Oh, you got engaged?" I asked.

"Yeah, to Mark" she said happily.
"I'm moving in with him."

"congrats!" The guys smiled.

"Oh, uh. Don't worry about your new neighbour, I'm subletting the apartment to Mark's cousin." She said calmly.
"She's not noisy and she's new to these parts so she won't have a lot of guests over."

"Oh, that's fine. I really didn't mind-"

"Is she hot?" Keith whispered to Noah.

"Ha- how am I suppose to know?" Noah muttered.
My eyes widened in embarrassment as the two argued back and forth.

"Well congratulations again, Lil. I have to get these two back and hope they shut up." I sighed.

"No worries. Love seeing you again!" Lil called as I brushed the two back into the apartment.

"You're both idiots." I sighed, shaking my head.

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