where do we go from here

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rachel was now at home in her room getting jacob ready for his bath she was devastated at wnat had happened she knew it was charles she knew he had planned it. sebastian was the boy she had ever been intimate with so he was jacob's father.

thoughts raced in her mimd as she ran the nath water for jacob's bath wondering what was going to happen now the thought that she could end up raising jacob completely by herself freaked her out she had no idea if sebastian believed her or not.

the bath was now ready she went through to her room and got jacob out of his bouncy chair and carried him into the bathroom taking. once in her ensuite she stripped off his romper suit and diaper and placed him gently onto the inflatable chair in the bath. he began to cry like he always didnin water rachel felt tears stinging her eyee but tried her best to stop them from falling not wanting jacob to see her upset like she was only an hour earlier.

as rachel knelt there by the side of the bath the bathroom door opened she assumed it was leroy she didnt look up at him as she knew his sympathetic look would set her tears off.

" is it alright if i help you bathe him" rachel was surprised by the voice it wasnt leroy or even hiram it was maggie.

" if you want " rachel asked not looking at her

" seb said he doesnt like water he wasnt wrong" maggie said a cbuckle to her voice clearly trying to ease the tension.

" no he doesnt" rachel said

" i meant what i said rachel i believe you i know jacob is my grandson i knew he wss before he was born and certainly whenni saw his eyes" maggie said

" i just... i cant believe" rachel started to say

" i know what charles has done is unforgivable and i am truly sorry that you have been put in this position." maggie said

" its not your fault" rachel said

" nor yours" maggie said as the bathroom door creaked open and sebastian poked his head around the door.

" ooh my knees are not what they were im going to have to get up and stretch my legs" maggie said getting up and opening the door and walking out leaving them alone.

"niether spokevor the remainder of jacob's bath it wasnt until rachel had gotton him out and wrapped up in a towel and went to lewve the bathroom that sebastian stopped her.

" can i hold him" he asked

" you don't have to ask" rachel said placing him in his arms she turned to empty the bath seeing that sebastian was clearly emotional she wanted to give him some privacy as he tuck jacob into her room.

rachel sorted the bath out and placed jacobs worn romper suit into he hamoer ready to be washed tomorrow.

as she walked into her room several minutes later she saw sebastian sat on her bed holding jacob who was looking up at sebastian smiling. sebastian was smiling too but crying at the same time as he looked at jacob.

rachel stood awkwardly in the doorway of her ensuite not wanting to interupt what was a special moment between father and son sebastian didnt know she was there he was to engrossed in the moment.

" dont know why i even doubted it for a second you are my son look at you my mom was right your eyes tell me all i need to know and that smile i swear i saw a faint hint of a smirk." sebastian said to him before kissing him.

" where is that smile" sebastian said the baby voice was back as he gently tickled jacob's tummy making him smile again.

" now daddy has learnt from last time to get a diaper on you so thats what we are going to do yes it is" sebastian said again in the baby voice it was only as he stood up to place jacobon the changing table that he saw rachel stood there.

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