I married my soulmate Part 1

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The journey begins.

kongpop was lounging in his room, by the window, if someone walked in and saw him they would think he was very peaceful and in a serine state of mind.but looks could be deceiving, he might have looked like he was at peace with the world but the truth is he was torn, his parents had called him earlier and they had told him about his engagement. that in itself was not shocking he had expected it and had even come to peace with the idea, but his spouse is what was on his mind. his parents had gone on about their promise and that it was already decided along time ago while he was still in diapers.for as long as he can remember his parents indulged him, he was the youngest and a surprise to them, he was pampered but luckily he was not a spoilt brat, far from it actually. he was very hardworking and intelligent, but also very caring and loyal to those he loved.he had just graduated high school with honors and could pick any universtity and major he desired,but his parents wanted him to study enginering and as always though he was torn about it he went for the interview.it was very informal and he got acepted.

Then his parents said the engagement would hapen before he goes off to univerity, in a way it was so he would not happen to fall in love with someone else if he already had a spouse. he laughed this off, because lets face it he had not met anyone who made him feel any of the spark his friends talked about.he wondered what his spouse looked like, if they were okay marring a stranger they had never met, and also the fact that he was just starting his univesity.at this he made a promise to himself to keep an open mind, give them a chance to know each oother, and also find out if his spouse was against the marriage, if so he would find a way to convince his parents.

Arthit was home for the holidays after a tiyiring second year of school, so far he had been enjoying his vacation and was planing a weekend get away with his friends to a beach resort before school starts again. but his plans were cut short when his parents asked him to make sure he comes home for dinner since they needed to talk to him.that evening at the dinner table his dad was the one who started the conversation.

"Son, how was school this year?"

"dad it was great i had fun but also enjoy studying their."

"do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend yet?"

"no dad i dont, i did not meet anyone i like in that sense."

"thats good son, thats what me and your mom want to talk to you about, you see, your grandfather made a promise with his best friend, that their grandchildren will marry to fulfill a promise that was made to each other.now the thing is your our only child and so it had to be you, i hope you understand"

"yes dad i understand, but who am i getting married to?"

"we will be meeting them this weekend,and i hope the two of you will be able to get along, me and your mother just ask that you give it a chance."

"Dad i will keep an open mind"

"okay thats all we ask, go on have a good night son"

when Arthit left is parents were glad they raised an obidient son, he never argued or disageed with them. and they both prayed that this marriage would be a happy one for him, they loved their son dearly and would give him the world, but they also trusted their best friends and knew their son was also a very well behaved young man.

Arthit went to is room when his phones chimed idicating a message, he checked and all his friens were online chatting.

Arthit.."hi guys sorry i was talking with my parents"

Bright... 'is everthing okay, whas going on?

Toota.. Ai bright keep your nose out of his family bussiness?

Bright.. hey am just asking, so Arthit whats going on?

Arthit.."its nothing but am sorry guys i have to cancell this weekend am going somewhere with my parents for a couple of weeks."

Knott.."its okay we can go another time Arthit...

Prem..'yes guys we can go on a weekend from school'

Arthit...'no you guys can go and we can also go together next time

Bright.. okay since we already book the place we should go, i wanna have some fun before school... come on guys what do you say, Arthit says its okay"

Knot..'okay am in'

Toota..'me too, '

prem..'okay am in, but we will miss you Arthit"

Arthit,,'its okay guys have fun, i will see you guys in school then.

All..Bye Arthit.

Arthit loged off and was still sitting on his bed, he contemplated what his parents said, he was not realy sure how he felt about the whole thing, but at the same time for some reason his heart was calm, his parents had told him to pack for two weeks, he got up to do just that since they were leaving early the next morning. the trip was going to take about six hours.

that night when he finaly lied down on his bed he started thinking about the person he was to get married to,he wondered how they looked, not that he was shallow but just curious.after a while he decided he would go with an open heart and mind and see how that would work out.

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