A mother's gift part 25

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Kong's morning started early as usual,he went down to start his day with his mother and find out more about the details.once the two settled down to their morning tea and coffee Kong decided to ask his mother,

"Mae,how are you doing with everything,is there anything i can help with?"

"Everything has been running very smooth,i am actually waiting for something to go wrong,but hopefully nothing will,all the details have been taken care of, most of the relatives will be coming in today,so i expect a full house,you don't need to do anything,you have done your part very well son,Just take care of Arthit make sure your cousins and aunts don't drive him crazy."

"Of course Mae i will always take care of him,do you want us to stay around today."

"maybe for a while so you can meet and greet the family members all of them have traveled from near and far to meet just both of you and to be part of your celebration,it will only be polite to be here to welcome them,but if you want later in the day you can take Arthit out for dinner or whatever you young ones do,i know you both will need the time away just to regroup,tomorrow will be a big day for both our families thanks to you two."

"Mae we both are actually looking forward to it,and between you and me,i think i am falling in love with P'Arthit a little more every day,and i cant wait for tomorrow to make our bond official,it feels like that will make it real and he will be mine because i want nothing more,Mae i i would like to make an offering on behalf of grandpa because he gave me my soulmate,i would like to go to the temple to offer thanks to both him and P'Arthits grandpa for bringing us together.if that's okay with you."

"Of course that is very thoughtful,have you asked Arthit if he would be joining you?"

"Not yet i wanted to talk to you first because i needed to know if you needed us here all day."

"Talk to him before you come down for breakfast,i will prepare some things for you two to take and you can go their first,then come back to meet the families."

"okay i will talk to him and we will be ready to go,Mae about next week do you need us to stay here?"

"i don't think so,the relatives will be staying for a few days we haven't seen each other a long while,why do you have plans?"

"we wanted to go away for a trip before school starts,but i wasn't sure if we were needed here."

"it should be okay for you to go,i know the celebrations will be going on for a few days but once the engagement is done and all the traditional ceremonies are complete you two will technically be married,and the wedding is only so you can have a day to celebrate with your friends and families again giving you more time to actually make it your own since we kind of did not give you the opportunity this time,your wedding day will be you two solidifying your bond after spending more time together,but son tomorrow all the ceremonies you will partake in,for our family and our traditions,you will be Arthit's husband in every way,from then on its up to you two how your marriage will be,we your parents will have completed our duty fulfilling your grandparents promise."

"So what you are saying is P'Arthit and i will be married according to our customs and traditions? don't we need a marriage certificate for that?"

"No,the marriage certificate is up to you two when you want to sign them that will just make you married in the eye of the law,according to our customs you two will be married tomorrow,i know we told you engagement,the thing is we did not want to scare you and technically in a legal sense you will still need the marriage certificate how and when you want to make it legal is up to you two."

"Okay wow,i need to talk to P'Arthit about it,i think we will do that on the wedding day then but i will let you know regardless what we decide."

"that's perfectly fine, i understand and am very glad your taking all this in easily,i know we have a lot to explain to both of you but trust me son,tomorrow most of it will come to light and we will tell you both everything then,its actually great that you want to take a trip together because i think you both will need time to process all you will find out.so where are the two of you going?"

"we haven't settled on anyplace yet,but we want a place by the beach."

"well i have a place i think you both will love,if you don't mind me suggesting it,i will give you the details later and don't worry about any of the expenses i know you always want to pay for your things but make me happy and let me take care of it.take it as a gift from your mother for both of you for making this so easy on your parents,"

"Okay Mae, i will let P'Arthit know,thank you i know we will enjoy it,"

"i have a few things to take care of why don't you go up and wake your husband and get ready for the temple."

she laughed at how he was blushing when she said that,their cook who was bustling around smiled at the two,and had already prepared Athits Tea tray,she knew Kong would do it,so she made it for him adding some fruits and toast to it and an extra cup.

"Mae he is not my husband yet wait until tomorrow." Kong was denying it but the smile on his face was saying otherwise.

"whats a few hours difference,trust me son he has been your husband since the moment he stole your heart without you even realizing it.now shoo so i can take care of things."

they both got up,he took the tray thanking the cook and went up to his room thinking of how to wake up his P' today.

his mom and the cook shared a smile

"Madam, our young master is very happy.i like seeing the spark in his eyes,you were worried for nothing,it seems young Arthit was the right one for him."

"yes he is, it eases my heart,he deserves this and so does Arthit."

Kongs mother told her what she needed for the boys to take to the temple and went to get ready for breakfast and the day that was awaiting them.

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