I don't have to,I want to Part 28

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while Kong and Arthit were driving back to the villa,all over-sudden Arthit started getting nervous for some reason,he knew today he would be meeting most of his in-laws and also some of his family members that he had not seen for a long time.this time he reached over and took Kong's hand holding it with both his hands.

"P' are you okay,why are your hands so cold?"

"i think it just hit me that this is it finally,we will be meeting our relatives today, and tomorrow we will be officially married,am not nervous about that its just i don't do well with big crowds of people i don't know."

"P' you have nothing to worry about i will be beside you the whole time,and like i told you if at anytime you feel overwhelmed just let me know and we can take a breather from it all."

"i will,but am also excited,i can't wait for tomorrow,i hope the uncle will make it i really want to know what he has for us."

"me too,i have thought about it but i don't think i have ever met him before and i don't know if my parents know him or not,but he seemed like he knew us both and had been waiting for us which is a bit creepy."

"Kong,our whole engagement seems to be shredded in secrecy like they is something big that we are not privy to,i mean i thought it would be very simple but my mom said some of my relatives that will be here are coming from far,which makes me wonder why do they all want to be here."

"Well i guess we will find out tomorrow,no need for us to think too much into it.P' whatever it is we find out can you promise it wont change how you feel about this because no matter what it is i want to be married to you and nothing that will be revealed to us will make me change my mind."

"Kong i promise that no matter what it is i also want to be married to you and i think if we had met in a different situation somehow i have a feeling we would have still found our way to each other."

they arrived at the gate and drove in to go park the car there were already a lot of cars parked which told them the relatives had arrived.they started walking to the front door but Kong stop Arthit for a moment,taking his hand.

"P' are you ready to meet them?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"good,lets go in then."

Kong didn't release the hand he was holding as they walked through the front door,the first person to meet them was Arthit's mother.

"finally you two decide to grace us with your presence,everyone has been waiting to meet you."

they both greeted her,and even when Kong let Arthit hands go so he could Wai his mother-in-law,he immediately took it back.

"come on you too lets go meet you relatives"

they went into the living room area where they dad's were with some relatives,going around greeting everyone and getting introduced to each other's relatives.one of Kong's uncle said

"wow my nephew is so lucky,your spouse is a beautiful young man."

"Thank you uncle," Kong said while Arthit was hiding his blushing face on Kong's side.they talked to them, some making fun of them while others were complimenting them,one of Arthits aunt couldn't help make fun of her nephew so she told him

"Oh our Arthit is the blushing bride,i see you hiding your face,come on lets see your face,the last time i saw you,i think you were about four years old,and now your getting married to this handsome young man.time really does fly."

she come over giving them both a hug,Arthit going right back to hiding place by Kong's side,

"i am so glad it is finally time and you two are getting on well together.go on go meet your cousins and the rest am sure they are all dying to see you both."

the two were glad to run out of there,they first went to the kitchen to find their mother and some of their aunts and cousins,when they walked in every one of them turned around,some shouting in joy while others were looking on curious to see what each looked like,Kong's side were trying to see Arthits face while Arthits relatives were looking at Kong.Arthit on the other had was feeling so embarrassed by the stares he wasn't one who like being the center of attention and here he was getting stared at, he wondered what they thought of him but even that wasn't enough to pull him from his safe place at Kong's side.

Kong's mother come over and started introducing them to the rest since even Kong did not know some of his relatives,After the introductions were done the chatter started with a lot of compliments and congratulating the two.one of Kong's aunt who was one of the oldest one in the room called them over,

"i just want to say how happy you two have made us,and we are all so glad to be here today to celebrate with you,at my age i do not travel much but for this occasions believe me my sons nothing would have stopped me,thank you two for finally reuniting our families."

she hugged them both,they were so touched and this continued with most of the older relatives until Kong's cousin Julie who had heard from one of the children that the two were back and could not wait to see who her cousin was marring come running to the kitchen.she come over to them

"Oh my God,cousin Kong i have been waiting all day to finally see your spouse,come on introduce us."

"Hello Julie,this is P'Arthit my soon to be husband." Arthit greeted her

"Wow you are handsome,Cousin Kong you got lucky even though i am still prettier than him."

"Sorry to disappoint you Julie but to me no one is more beautiful than P'Arthit in my eyes."

"well whatever you are just saying that because you have to marry him,otherwise you could find someone more beautiful and i am for sure the most beautiful one."

"No i am saying that because it's the truth,my P'Arthit is beautiful inside and out and i don't have to marry him,i want to marry him,there is a difference."

she realize she was not going to win,which was pissing her off because the rest in the room were egging Kong on.until Arthit decided to intervene he did not like her from the first moment and he could feel Kong's body tensing,so he whispered to him.

"Come on Kong lets go meet the rest,stop arguing with your cousin."

"But P' am not,i just want her to understand,i know her and she is full of herself."

"It doesn't matter,come on lets just go outside am sure by the end of the day they will drive both of us crazy."

they excused themselves and went to meet more relatives who were spread out in the back yard,it seemed most of them were having a great time,it was loud people were laughing and talking over each other.and this was just the beginning.

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