Pillow talk Part 10

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After a while Kong noticed Arthit was tired,he excused them and bid his sisters goodnight.they left and went up to his room.he walked into his sitting room and sat down on the sofa Arthit come and joined him even though their was another chair.

"P' are you tired? you can go wash up for bed I'll wait."

"Okay am a bit tired, its been a long and eventful day for us, you must be tired too."

"yes P', but it was one of the best days, i hope we will have many more together,"

"Of course we will,let me go wash up so you can do the same."

Arthit went into the bedroom and got ready after washing up, he come back to let Kong know he was done, Kong was just Chanel surfing not really watching anything.

"Kong go ahead am done."

"okay P' you can go ahead and sleep i wont take long."

"ehh.. where am i sleeping?"

"On the bed P' its big enough for both of us, but if your uncomfortable i will sleep here in the living room."

"No no no, the bed is enough for both of us like you said and its okay am not uncomfortable sharing with you."

"Okay then go ahead, i will join you shortly."

Kong grabbed his pajamas and went into the bathroom to wash up,while Arthit went to the bed he sat up leaning on the head board.he had grabbed his phone since he had not checked it all day and wanted to see what his friends were up to.he checked their updates answered some of their messages, then he heard the bathroom door opening Kong walked in with a towel still drying his hair, he sat at the foot of the bed.

"P' please feel free and comfortable, i want you to sleep well okay."

Arthit moved forward and took the towel from him,

"let me" he started drying Kong's hair for him. Kong couldn't believe it, he turned back to smile at him Arthit just smiled and blushed.

"and Kong i feel comfortable sleeping on the same bed, granted you will be the first person i have ever shared a bed with." he shyly admitted,Kong seemed to be enjoying him drying his hair so Arthit took a breath and decided why not? he put the towel aside and started running his hands through Kong's hair slowly massaging his head,

"P' that feels so good," but as soon as he spoke Arthit halted

"Please don't stop p', and you also are the first one i share a bed with, so don't feel uncomfortable okay,"

Arthit after a while stopped massaging his hair, and they moved on to the bed, Kong lifted the duvet for them to get under and then turned off the light, but the room was not dark, the moonlight from the balcony door castes a beautiful glow.they were both lying on their backs,when Kong turned to face Arthit,

"P' where would you like to go tomorrow?"

"Actually i want to see some of the places you frequent also the schools you went to"

"no problem i will take you to see them ,i don't think our parents are going to need us around here, but we can ask them tomorrow."

"yeah lets,did your parents say how the engagement is going to be,i hope they are not planning something extravagant."

"i want something small too, and P' have you talked to your friends yet?"

"no i just answered some of their messages while your in the bathroom, why?"

"Do you want them to come to the engagement?"

"Please don't get me wrong, but can we not tell our friends yet, its not that i want us to hide this but i would like if we just keep it to ourselves and our family for now."

"P' that's not a problem, then lets make sure our parents keep it simple,and when the time comes and we are both ready we will let our friends know. okay"

"thank you Kong,that would be nice"

"So P' when school starts , in public we have to keep our relationship a secret."

"yes but that wont be too hard, since we are in different classes, by the way have you got a dorm room yet?"

"my sisters went to get one for me a few weeks ago, they said it was close to school and that i would not need to use transportation."

"that's good, i also live in the dorms, maybe we will be close to each other."

"i hope so P'" Kong kept quite and was chewing on his lower lip, while they were talking they had moved close to each other and Arthit was using Kong's arm as a pillow, and Kong was slowly running his figures through his hair. they had not even realized it until Arthit looked at him,

"What are you thinking about, you seem to be deep in thought."

"Sorry P' i was going to ask something but maybe its too soon."

"Kong go ahead and ask,remember this is our relationship, and we agreed we decide how it will work, so if you want to ask something go ahead, it doesn't matter what others might think because, for us our relationship will go in the pace we decided,"

"Okay i wanted to ask, since at school we will keep this a secret can we live together, at least that way, at the end of the day i want to know I'll be coming home to you, and if you feel its too soon i will understand."

"Kong maybe in any other circumstance i would have thought it's too soon but, our relationship is backwards, we did not get to know each other, and date before deciding on the next step,since its like that, i don't mind living together that will give us a chance to really get to know each other very well."

"p' do you think our parents will agree though?"

"kong our parents want us to be married, and if it was up to them we already would be, and technically after the engagement and the ceremonies we will be married, the only reason they let us have the wedding later is because they want to give us some time to be comfortable with the idea."

"when you put it that way its true,so lets talk to them about it and see what they say, lets get

some sleep P' "

Arthit was about to move away when Kong pulled him closer,"Stay i like you where you are"

Arthit blushed and tried to hide his face on kong's chest, Kong just pulled him close and kissed him on the forehead.

"sleep well P' sweet dreams"

"Goodnight" Arthit mumbled into his chest.

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