City of love Part 39

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(hello everyone,i would like to thank my best friend J-faith for helping me write the next two chapters,honestly if it was not for him,i would have skipped this part,so lets show him some love,then he might help with the smut scenes.)

The reception went on with the grooms dancing to 'save the last dance for me' as their first dance.and most of the elders started departing to let the young ones enjoy themselves without having to worry about them.

the grooms after making sure they met most people ,were clearly getting tired,Arthit leaned closer to whisper to kong,

"Do you think it would be rude if we leave my feet ache"

"No p' we can leave why didn't you say something earlier, i would have taken you out of here long ago,plus most of the people are drunk or on their way to being drunk i don't think anyone will mind if we leave now."

"Alright then lets get out of here"

they left bidding their goodbyes to their parents and the rest,Arthit wondered why their mothers were acting like they were going away,since he thought they would not leave for another few days,for their week getaway.they went upstairs and here was another surprise.

"P' please change into this outfit, it would be more comfortable"

"eeh Kong don't we need to wash up,why do i need to dress in this,i can just were some PJ's"

"well P' we are not spending the night here, its our wedding night after all,come on P' please,i promise you will love where we are going."

it said a lot about how much Arthit come to trust his husband in such a short amount of time,because instead of asking where they were going and wanting answers,he just agreed and changed.Kong did the same and then taking Arthit's hand he led him out of the house,to the front where again he was surprised to find P'Leo and P'Mark in a car waiting for them.

"Kong what are P'Leo and P'mark doing here,were they not inside with the rest?"

before Kong could answer him P'Leo had come forward greeting them

"Nong are you both ready?"

"Yes P' we are,did you get everything?" kong asked

"Yes, your sister made sure of it,come on then lets go,"

they all got in with P'Leo driving and P'Mark sitting beside him, and the groom in the back,Arthit was wondering where they were going he thought maybe Kong got them a hotel room,to get out of the villa since it was packed, but since he saw no bags he assumed it was only for the night,they had talked about taking their honeymoon,which they had decided to leave a few days after the he genuinely was confused,but Kong did seem like he wanted to tell him so he Kongs advantage since his P' was not familiar with the place he did not realize they were heading to the airport,he was hoping to keep their destination a secret for as long as he could before his husband figured out what was going on.

they arrived at the airport,and Arthit could not hold his curiosity,give him credit he tried the whole ride there he did ask but now he was at the airport.

"Kong what are we doing here, and why are we on international departure,where are we going?"

"P' i promise you will love it,but i want it to be a surprise."

P'Leo and P'Mark were laughing at the younger who looked confused."

arthit tried again,"Kong i dont have my passport how can we fly anywhere?"

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