I committed my heart to you Part 26

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Kong went into his room to find Arthit cuddled up to his pillow,this was becoming one of his favorite thing,waking up his P' in the morning,he looked forward to the reactions he got.he placed the tray close by then sat on the be deciding to see how deep asleep he was,he dint touch him just started lightly kissing his forehead,slowly moving to the eyes one at a time then next was his nose,Arthit still didn't stir but the moment he kissed his lips though it was a very light touch he found himself flipped over with Arthit looking down at him.

"If you are going to kiss me,do it properly" that's all he got before his breath was stolen from him. a few minutes later they pulled apart

"P' how long were you awake? not that am complaining"

"from the moment you opened the door,i was actually just half asleep for the last hour i think."

Arthit kissed him lightly on the lips again then let him go.

"i presume you were with your mom"

"yes P' you know no one else is awake." kong told him while sitting up .

"i have your morning tea,do you want to sit up I'll pass it to you."

Arthit sat up,he moved closer and leaned on kong's chest taking the cup from him .

"So did your mom tell you about today,what they need us to do?"

"She said we just need to meet the relatives since they all are traveling here for us ,but later we can go out if we want to."

"that's great am sure between both our families it will be a lot of people,so if it happens we don't go anywhere its okay too."

"P' would you like to go to the temple with me,i asked my mom she said we can go right after breakfast but do you want to go,it's okay if you don't"

"of course i will go with you,i want to go say thank you and make an offering to our grandparents for the blessings they gave me,i was thinking about it earlier i was actually going to ask you the same thing too,"

"that's great then, Mom said she will prepare the offerings for us so we can leave after breakfast,and the other thing P' i asked her about us taking a trip,she said it will be fine,we just need to be here for a few days and we can them leave,also she said she will take care of it and we can't refuse because its a gift from her to both of us."

"okay,that's fine i will talk to my Mom too and let her know."

"P' mom told me something else,apparently according to our traditions after all the ceremonies tomorrow we will be married,she said that the marriage certificate and all that is just for legal purposes and we can decide when to do that but in the eyes of our family tomorrow you will be My husband."

"Wow i thought the ceremony tomorrow was just for the engagement?"

"so did i P' but my mom said they told us that because they did not want to freak us out and at the same time we still have the option to decide when our wedding is going to be and when we want to make it legal."

Arthit realized that maybe the younger had misunderstood him so he explained,moving and cupping Kongs face so he could look him in the eye,to show him how sincere he was.

"Kong,it's fine don't worry okay,we agreed regardless of how it is,am fine with it and we both thought different but it doesn't change how i feel about you at all, so if tomorrow in front of our families we will be married am okay with it,i want to be married to you i would have told you already if i felt any different,and about us making it legal,if your okay with it we can do that on our wedding day."

Kong hugged him,burring his face in Arthits hair,he moved to look at him and they met for a kiss,after without moving from each others embrace

"P' thank you, when mom told me earlier i was a bit shaken because i did not want you to feel pressured,but like you said, it honestly makes no difference because to me tomorrow or a few years from now i still want to marry you,i want to call you my husband whether its through our traditions or in a legal sense,the moment i met you i had committed my heart to you,"

"I agree the moment i met you and agreed to this whole arrangement, i had committed myself to you,so if we will be married tomorrow its fine and when we make it legal its nothing but a piece of paper,because in our hearts we are already tied."

they just sat together holding each other letting it all sink inn,it was surreal but at the same time they had know from the beginning it was not going to be just something simple.

"P' are you ready to move now,you need to go shower and get ready so we can head down"

"but am so comfortable can't we just stay like this,i don't want to move" he buried himself deeper into Kong's chest,it was very endearing how sometimes he acted so child like and at times he spoke with the wisdom of an old soul.kong just ruffled his hair

"No P' we have things to do,how about we go get this done and when we go away for our trip i will let you sleep in for as long as you want"

"Kong you might want to reconsider that, if you let me i might sleep the day away"

"that's fine but you have to let me keep you company then."

"of course,you make a comfortable pillow you know" he laughed and jumped to run away before Kong could retaliate being called a pillow,kong was smiling hearing his laughter all the way to the bathroom.

he picked up the tray putting it aside and made the bed, cleaning up while he waited for arthit to get ready.he played a game while he waited.

Arthit appeared all fresh and nicely dressed a while later,Kong looked up at him he could not get over how good-looking the other was.

"P' you look amazing" Arthit blushed but offered him a hand to get up,which kong gladly took.he got closer to him,they moved at the same time and hugged each other.

"Kong its going to be a busy day for us,but before all the chaos start,i want you to remember,i am here for you,and if you get overwhelmed you have me to lean on okay."

"You too P' lets go make this a great day then.but before we leave i need some energy."

saying that he leaned down and kissed Arthit who wholeheartedly returned the kiss,they drew energy from each other,reassuring the other that he was not alone and that from now on someone else would be by their side,taking care of them,making sure they were okay.

they walked down to the dining room to find the rest of the family gathered around,there was an air of excitement all around,anyone who walked in could feel the joy.the two joined their family for breakfast,and enjoyed the banter ,they talked about the days event.every one enjoyed the breakfast in high spirits,then the two left to go to the temple.

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