destiny can't be rushed Part 17

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Arthit had been looking around and had found a few very interesting trinkets,but so far nothing he felt like suited his boyfriend.he was in the far end of the shelf and was about to tell Kong they could leave when he saw it,it felt alive like a light was shinning on it,he thought his imagination was playing tricks on him,he looked away but was drawn to it,walking over he touched it and felt a chill down his spine,it looked like the box Kong had picket but they was some distinguished differences,running his finger's on it,he knew this belonged to his boyfriend.he picked it happily and went looking for Kong.

"Kong,feel this do you like it?"

"P' wow,it look's like the other one,but i feel different when i hold it,i want it,somehow i think i am meant to have this."

"it's weird i felt the same,lets go pay for them,and Kong please let me pay for this one, i want to buy it for you."

Kong wanted to refuse but thought better of it,he decided he needed to let his boyfriend get his way sometimes too.if it meant this much to him he would let him do us he pleased just to put that smile on his face.they walked back to the old man,when he saw what Arthit had on his hand,he knew it was time.

"i see you found it,well done young man.i have seen a lot of things but today i believe i have seen a miracle."

"What do you mean Uncle?" kong asked

"If you two are not in a hurry,would you mind sitting a little with an old man and have a cup of tea with me?"

even though Arthit felt a bit creeped out he looked at Kong who being a kind soul was already agreeing to the offer.the old man directed them to a corner with chairs and a table he brought over a tea pot and Kong helped him pour the all a cup.

"young men, like i said i have lived a long time,and as such i have seen many things,my wife rest her soul always believed in fate and destiny,i had been skeptical but today i finally believe,if you both don't mind what are your names?"

"my name is Kongpob and he is Arthit my fiance."

"well wonders never seize you even have the same names,i guess am getting ahead of my self,but don't mind me,you said your fiance are you two engaged?"

"not yet but we will be in a few days,but uncle what do you mean we have the same names?" kong asked he was thoroughly confused,not that Arthit was any better.

"in due time my boy all will be revealed,so how did you two meet?"

"Actually we were promised to each other a long time ago and our parents finally brought us together before the we met a few days ago"

"But you two seem so in love,my mistake i thought you had met long before,did your parents tell you why they arranged this,is it for business? or to tighten an alliance?"

"Actually all we know is its a promise to our grandparents,but they havens told us yet,they said they will after the ceremony,why uncle you seem to know something."

"my boy all will be revealed in due time,all i can say is,the boxes you two picked out are not for sale but they do belong to you,i have waited a long time to pass them along but i had lost hope you will ever come to claim them.i also made a promise to two young men that when the time come's i would pass them along, i have prayed to be alive and not join my wife before i fulfill this promise.and god has granted me this,i have one request for you both."

"Sure uncle what is it?"

"other than those boxes i have something else to give both of you,i would like you two to come back to see me after the ceremonies,and hopefully after your parents tell you the reason why the promise was made,i know am a stranger to you both but for your kindness i am grateful.i can not tell you more for now but i promise to tell you all once you come back."

the two were feeling like they were in twilight zone or something,they had just wanted some trinkets but here they were getting all kind of scripted messages,truth be told there curiosity was picked,and they felt comfortable with the old man,even though they knew he was keeping something from them.Arthit answered him this time,

"Uncle,thank you and we will come back,because we both want to know what you mean,and why those boxes belong to us,the ceremony is this Saturday and we will come look for you after if that's okay with you."

"My boy that is alright i will be here, at my age i do not travel or go far this place is my home."

"Uncle would you like to come to our ceremony?" Kong asked him,he didn't know why he did but he felt inclined to.Arthit looked at him,he did not say anything he just smiled at him indicating he agreed with him.

"thank you my boy, i appreciate the invitation and i would love nothing more than to see you two getting married,i did not expect to see it happen in my lifetime,i will be honored to attend such a momentous occasion."

"no uncle we would love to have will be an honor to have you."

they made arrangements for him to be picked up,and he told them more about his wife and their life together.when the two left it was clear they were confused.

"Kong, that uncle was odd but i feel like he is somehow liked to us, how else would you explain all he said."

"P' i agree i wonder how he is connected,i guess now all we can do is just wait,since it seems we are not going to know much until after the ceremony."

"It's funny initially i was terrified of this whole thing,but now i can't wait not just because i want to know the truth but also because the one am marrying is you."

"P' you surprise me sometimes,when i think i have figured you out you show me why i am falling in love with you a little more everyday."

Arthit blushed but did not denie the statement,they walked back to their car hand in hand,the moment they were seated Kong turned to help him with his seat belt,and when he looked at his face he could not help it,he leaned in kissing those lips he was staring at the whole time,Kong cupped his face and depend the kiss until they were both breathless.

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