defending my fiance Part 9

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the parents had dinner and were enjoying a quite evening without their kids. they were reminiscing about their youth and how much mischief they had gotten into.their youthful carefree life, where all they had to worry about was passing their classes, and where to go for fun,Kong's mother was the one who brought up the topic they all were there for.

"i guess we don't have to worry about our son's ,they seem to be okay with the idea of getting married,i know we didn't actually give them room or a chance to argue,but am glad they seem to be okay with it."

"i know what you mean, i was worried my Arthit would put up a fight, since we never really interfere with his choices,but he seems to be taken by your son so far." said Arthits mother.

kong's father who was just thinking the same said,"i did not expect any resistance from Kong because we had already told him of the promise, and he knew it was going to happen, maybe not this soon but eventually."

Arthit's father agreed with him saying,"we did not tell Arthit before because we wanted him to at least have his own experiences, but it seemed like he was never interested."

"well the main thing is we will have an easy week to catch up and enjoy our time together, i miss how we always used to hang out." said Arthits mother.

"i agree, but i was wondering,has Arthit asked why the promise was made?" asked kong's mother, since Kong had asked her a few time's.

Arthits dad answered,"yes he asked us on our way here, we did not tell him.i think it would be better if we tell them while they are together and maybe after the engagement?"

kongs dad thought about this ,he agreed but he also knew his son,"i agree but i think the two of them will ask us, knowing my son they have probably talked about it,"looking at his wife he added,"did you say they went out to dinner tonight?"

"Yes,Kong said he would show Arthit around then have dinner outside,i wonder how that is going for them."

"Am glad they are working things out on their own, i was not looking forward to any arguments, that son of ours can be strong headed at times." laughed Kongs dad.the rest agreed,Arthits mother added "so is Arthit, i am very surprised he did not even question us much, i was expecting a little resistance."

both sets of parents kept chatting about their kids, and how much headache they are sometimes.but regardless the boys seemed to be very obedient and rarely if ever disagreed to what they parents asked them of. they heard a car driving in and after a few minutes Kong's sister come in, they greeted the parents and asked where the boys were. Arthit's mother told them the boys had gone out.they excused themselves and went to Tina's room.

since Anne could speak she called Tina by her name and till date she still never used any honorifics with her.

"Tina, i wonder what Kong said when he found out what we did?"

"ha ha i bet he was embarrassed,do you think Arthit left his things in the room and is going to stay with Kong?"

"oh men i wish i was a fly on the wall for that conversation.but he can't be mad at us, we are just helping them,They will be engaged in a few days, might as well give them a head start." she giggled t herself.

"i like Arthit, the little i have seen,he seems to be perfect for our baby brother,but we still need to make sure he doesn't have someone else, i don't think the parents asked him,i don't want Kong to be hurt later."

"your right we will have a talk with him, but am sure the two of them will sort it by themselves."

"but would it not be sad if Arthit has someone and our brother had waited for him,they still have to get married,how sad that would be."

"well then that means we have to make sure there is not anyone and if their is then Kong has to up his game and win Arthit's heart, because a marriage like that would just be horrible for all concerned."

"But i think the two would not be happy if we interfere with their relationship, and Trust me i do not want to be on the receiving end of Kong's wrath, that boy is sweat but can be the demon incarnated when he is pissed off."

"Then that means whatever we do ,he can never know if we interfere,deal?"


"Do you want to sneak into Kong's room to see if Arthit stuff is still there?"

"yeah lets be quick they might be coming back."

the sister hurried up to Kong's room,checking the closet they saw the cloths still there ,they run to the bathroom and saw Arthit's items arranged right next to Kong where they had put them earlier, giggling to themselves.they decided to leave before they got caught.

and not a minute too soon, when they got downstairs,Kong and Arthit were walking inn.the two pretended innocence and acted like they were heading to the kitchen to make some tea.

"Come join us for some tea, the parents called it a night, so it will be just us."

The two come into the kitchen and sat down apposite the sisters.Anne poured everyone a cup of tea.

"so what did you two do this evening?" asked Tina

arthit looked at Kong, he still was hesitant around Kong's sisters and for some reason its like his voice disappeared.

"we just walked around the mall and went to have dinner." said Kong

the girls squealed, "ooh a date how romantic,baby bro you surprised us i though you would be hiding in your room for the rest of the week,but i guess i was wrong, now i have to buy Tina a purse."

"what do you mean, you had a bet on me?"

"kind of yes we did. ha ha sorry i didn't picture you to be the bold kind, then again you haven't dated anyone so i lost."

Tina asked"Arthit do you have someone you like,or are dating?"

"uhh no P' i don't, i haven't dated anyone either."

"that's good we were worried you already had someone, and that it would be problematic for you two,but since you don't then i guess its fate." she laughed.her eye caught Kongs wrist when he took a sip of his tea, then she looked at Arthits wrist and noticed he had the same bracelet and they both had a charm hanging off them."ooh is that a couple bracelet? wow you guys already a couple, its been only a day."

"P' why are you making Arthit uncomfortable, stop picking on him."

"hey am not picking on him,defending your fiance? nice baby bro. so who gave who the bracelet?"

"P' am not telling,stop being nosy,and why wouldn't i defend him? like you said he is my fiance after all so i might as well act like it."

the sister were just giggling at them.Kong noticed Arthit was a bit nervous and reached for his hand that was on his thigh under the table,he squeezed it but did not let go when he felt Arthits moved his hand and interlaced their figure, he was surprised and looked at him giving him a squeeze and a smile.

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