Custom's and tradition Part 23

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When the four got home that evening, it was to find their mothers in the kitchen going over the guest list,some relatives had already started arriving and accommodations were made.even though every one was tired they still felt all the excitement and energy for the big day.they all went outside to sit and drinks were served.

Kong's mother asked how their afternoon went,also making plans for the girls to pick up the boys suits and traditional outfits.they all just relaxed and chatted a bit before the women decided to head back in for some last minute planning.

Kong and Arthit stayed back with their fathers who were beaming of how proud they were of their son's.

Arthit dad asked "Son's how was your day with your mothers and sisters?"

"Dad you know how it is with them,they made sure to drag us around to as many shops as they could,i don't get how shopping does not tire them out,but we also had fun too." kong answered him

"Son's we are very proud fathers today,because not only are our son's getting married,but you are also fulfilling our dream,we worried if this would be the right thing,all we want is to see our children happy,and when you two stand and take those vows to tie your life together we will have accomplished our duty us parents."Kongs dad told them,Arthit's dad added

"You know when this arrangement was made,we had talked about the possibility that you two would not be a match or that you would refuse,or even the idea of one of you finding love with someone else,knowing you still had to marry each other we were lost,but that never happened and today i thank all that is mighty because no parent wants to see their child sad, and being the one causing the pain would be harder for us than you,so lets all raise our glasses and toast to a long,happy and everlasting bond for our children ."

they all raised their glasses and made the toast.then Kongs father added

"Most of the young generations forget our customs and traditions and they see them as old fashioned and do not have any faith in them,i am glad our sons proved us wrong by you two following this tradition,you have shown us that some times there is  reason and merit in things our elders see before we do,we us your parents have tried to keep up with your generations way of living to make sure we understand our children's point of view,and had hoped you would afford us the same courtesy,by giving this a chance the two of you have proven that as your parents we have done our duty ,thank you son's"

"dad thank you for all you have taught us,up until now you have never asked us of anything,you have given us more than we could ask for,never denieying us anything we desired,you have tried to always understand our point of view even when most of the time it did not make sense to you,P'Arthit and i have never doubted anything you have done for us,and that was the main reason we had no problem with this,but we were lucky to find each other in following your values,we would have probably never have met,and miss on the best person i could ask for.i also want to say thank you for bringing us together and giving me my other half."Kong said to them.Arthit added

"Dad kong is right,i am also grateful,to you as our parents i have never doubted your choices,and when you made this choice for us i had no doubt it was because you love us and want only the best for us,thank you for all you have taught as,we will have a healthier marriage because of it,i will always have my soulmate because you found him for me,thank you for giving me the best life any child could dream of."

"We are glad to hear that,Arthit it will be a little different for you since you are an only child and you have sisters now,give them a chance too they will drive you crazy but now that you are marrying their baby brother,be ready to be their baby brother too,to them that's what you will always be and they will love you unconditionally."

"Am grateful dad its different having sisters but with time i am sure we will know each other better."

Arthit dad told them,"Oh son's when your semester break comes we would like you to come to our home for a visit,Actually we are planning a small reunion for just us to give Kong a chance to come to our home and visit the place with you,we can talk more about it later once you two figure out how your schedules will be like."

kongs dad added, "i know both of you are wondering how come we never visited each others homes? well their was not really a specific reason,us you know we sometime have business together and have been friends for a long time,and also it was not time yet for you two to meet, so we had agreed to wait.that's why you have never met each other before."

They chatted a bit more of the events coming up,finally kong noticed Arthit was struggling to keep his eyes open so he excused them and they headed up to their room.

"P' do you want to shower first,i know you can barely keep your eyes open."

"Yeah i think the drinking with dad's didn't help me.i was felling a bit tired,and sleepy."

"Go ahead P' i will wait for you."

Athit went and took a shower when he came out,he was still drying his hair,Kong showered quickly and Joined him on the bed with his hair still wet, Arthit took the towel he was using earlier and started drying his hair for him.

"Why didn't you dry your hair? you can't sleep like that you will get sick you know."

"Am too lazy P' i just want to snuggle with you."

"stop that it only takes a few minutes and am not going anywhere,you will still snuggle with me regardless."

Kong moved back to sit on the bed leaning on the head board and pulled Arthit to lie on his chest.

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