I will earn your trust Part 24

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"P' it's going to get crazy starting tomorrow when our relatives start coming over,my mom said some of them have already arrived,so they will be setting everything up and they will be a lot of people here,do you want to stay around or you want to go somewhere and come home later?"

"Am not sure,lets see if we are needed around,and am sure our parents would want us to stay and meet the relatives,since i haven't met your side of the family and you haven't met mine,i think they will want us to be around for that."

"That's okay P' but if at anytime you feel overwhelmed please just tell me and i will get us out of here for a little while, trust me some of my aunts and uncles are crazy and even i can take them a little dose at a time."

"don't worry Kong,my aunts and uncles are the same,and since i haven't seen most of them for a long time,am sure my parents will want us to stay here and meet everyone,i mean they are all coming to celebrate our union so it will be just right to endure them.and if at anytime i need a minute away from them or you do we can sneak away here together and they can just assume we can't stay away from each other."

"that is kinda of true P' i cant stay away from you, now that i have found you i want to spend every moment with you."

"Your so cheesy,but i feel the same way too like i want to make up for all the time i longed to find someone who would want me just for being myself."

"P' i know it has been really fast for us but i honestly feel like i started living the moment you come into my life,i have never felt all the emotions i have in the last week,and when we stand in front of our family i can honestly say its with the man i will commit my self to for life."

"Kong the feeling is mutual,by the way did your mom tell you any details about the ceremony?"

"No she hasn't but i think tomorrow they will tell us more,am sure this has been very hectic for all of them too."

"Kong what did your sisters mean when they said you never noticed when others had feeling for you? was their someone interested in you?"

"P' i think Anne is talking about some of her friends also some of my school mates,but P' its not that i did not notice maybe some i didn't but i did know some of them,the thing is i was not interested at all and just avoided the whole thing because i never want to give anyone hope knowing i already had someone waiting for me."

"I understand i have met a few like that,and its been the same some are harder to give up which i never understand,if one person is not interested i know its hard on the one who wants them but you can't force your feelings on someone, it hurts to be rejected but wouldn't it hurt more if the other accepts you out of pity and has no feeling for you?that's why i avoid the whole thing all together and act oblivious to them."

"P' does this mean when we go to school i will find your admirers there?"

"Honestly Kong some people have tried to confess to me but i always turn them away,and the majority of them are scared to even approach me because apparently i intimidate them,which worked perfectly fine for me seeing that i had no interest in any one."

"P' can i apologize in advance for how i act if anyone tries to approach you when we are in school,since they wont know your mine? i don't know how i will feel."

"Kong that wont be necessary,no matter what, you are the only one i want so never doubt that okay.and we will open our relationship in school just give it sometime,i also don't want others coming after you.i also should apologize in advance,their is one thing i haven't told you about school,and am sorry am not ready to yet,you will find out when you get their,but can you promise to give me a chance when the time comes to explain why i haven't told you?"

"Okay i promise i will wait for you to tell me,i don't want you to ever feel like you can't tell me anything, and i will remind you this for us long as it takes for you to believe in me,i know we have to learn to trust each other,and i promise to earn your trust so you wont ever feel uneasy about anything you do or say,because P' at the end of the day no one is more important to me than you are."

"Thanks Kong and i will hold you to that,its not that i don't trust you i do, i know we will earn each others trust in time but i have no reason not to, its just since our relationship wont be open to others,what i am keeping from you would be better for you to see it first and then we will talk okay.'

"OK P' i almost forgot,remember i asked if we can go somewhere next week? have you decide yet where you would like to go?you still want to go right."

"yeah i think i want to go someplace warm with a beach,i love being at the ocean,so anywhere like that would be fine."

"Sounds good,lets talk to our parents tomorrow and let them know am sure they will be alright with it."

the whole time they were talking kong was running his hands through Arthit's hair,while Arthit was unconsciously running his had around Kong's chest,he had his head over Kongs heart and the heart beats were lulling him to sleep but he was also feeling euphoric,Kong moved to cup his face and first kissed his forehead and slowly leaned to kiss his lips,they moved together re-positioning themselves to lie down and not breaking the kiss,it was telling each other how they really felt no words were needed,Kong pulled him closer they legs were entangled arms all over each other without breaking the kiss.the explored each other shy at times and even when they ran out f breath,there faces were together just looking into each others eyes.they slowly drifted to sleep.and if anyone were to look on the bed it would be hard to tell where one ended and the other started.

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