First night Part 40

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(Thank you J-faith for all the readers appreciate you,love you.)

"P' lets go before i change my mind and have you for dinner" i laugh and ran for the door,We go downstairs and grab something to eat at a restaurant a few blocks away from our hotel. We were exhausted from the jet lag but hungry for dinner. My mind kept wondering off to our first night together as husbands. I couldn't understand why I was so nervous. This is Kong we are talking about he isn't going to hurt me so why I am so nervous! He keeps starting at me looking concerned and whispers in my ear baby are you ok? I look at him and he's looking worried and tell him I'm fine don't worry and he smiles gently and kisses my cheek. I decided to have breakfast for dinner and had Crepes which were amazing with café et lait. (coffee and milk). Kong ended up having escargot which I thought was gross but he said it was ok and not too bad. After we ended up going to the Eiffel tower and we bought souvenirs. We went all the way to the top and had this amazing view. I was in awe and whispered,

"Kong its so beautiful"

and he whispers in my ear and says

"not as beautiful as my view baby".

I turn around shocked and he just kisses me, probably one of the passionate and gentle kisses that I have ever had with him. We get back to the hotel a little after midnight and we are still making out going through the door. At this point he is carrying me through the door and he leans me up against the door. I let out a soft moan when he uses his tongue to beg for entrance, which of course I allow. We battled for dominance for a little bit and he ended up winning and his hands are all over my body landing firmly on my butt groping me and making me moan even louder. He just whispers in my ear,

"a beautiful man like yourself shouldn't be allowed to make the noises you are, it is absolutely sinful and driving me nuts"

and I just blush while he rocks himself into me while still clothed. I let out another moan and he carries me again and gently places me on the bed and leans over me and kisses me again. He rocks into me again and I tense up. This time he stop.

"Baby are you okay? we can stop anytime you feel uncomfortable"

he is looking at me concerned. I tell him

" I'm fine,don't stop please"

he just smiles caressing my face he asks.

"baby are you nervous"

. And I didn't think I could blush anymore but nod and look away from him. He just tells me.

"baby its okay to be nervous I am too."

and I just stare  at him shocked.

"you don't seem like it"

" trust me I am, it's our first night as husbands together and we are in a beautiful city and I have you as my beautiful husband lets enjoy it we will take this slow there's no rush,and baby anytime you want to stop,don't be afraid to let me know"

We resume kissing again and his hands are planted firmly on my waist and my hands find their way underneath his shirt.i am finally getting bold,i want to explore his body too, I can't help but map out his muscular body with my hands and loved how he moaned when I slowly went over his nipple with my hand and accidentally lingered there for a second and he rocked into me instinctively. I take his shirt off and he takes off mine and he stares at me in awe and he whispers "beautiful love"

and I just blush again. He whispers in my ear

"your adorable when you blush,every time you do i just want to kiss you,you have no idea what you do to me"

and I cannot help but think there has got to be a limit to how much someone can blush in one day. But we resume kissing until Kongs hands find their way onto my pants and unbuttons them off of me. I do the same and undress him. Both of us in nothing but our boxers are rocking into one another moaning and giving each other sloppy kisses until Kong rubs me through my boxers and I let out a gasp.

" wow baby looks like your excited"

" funny I can say the same about you"

and we just laugh. I didn't think laughing was a thing while one was making love with their lover but hey you learn new things every day. We both pull each other's boxers off and he is huge I just blush and feeling self-conscious of myself and he whispers

"baby don't feel ashamed your beautiful, I love you just the way you are".

He slowly takes me into his mouth and I let out a loud moan and he just stares up and grins at me and kisses my hand as he continues. After a while he stops and we resume kissing and he circles a finger around my entrance and I let out a moan and he whispers in my ear,

"baby come on relax for me"

and I obey. He grabs some lube from the nightstand uses it to make it easier. After the first finger. It was a little painful at first but it got easier into a more pleasurable pain and he inserts another finger after a little while of spreading me he whispers

"are you ready baby?"

I nodded and kissed him and he places himself at my entrance and slowly inserts himself in and I moan loudly and he's kissing me. Once he's completely sheathed he stays still so I can get used to his length and after a couple of minutes I tell him I'm okay he can move and he begins to at first slowly and then faster. We find a rhythm and I just can't stop moaning and he whispers in my ear

"you sound so beautiful"

and I just let out a small shy smile. After a little bit i don't know where i get the courage but I ask him to sit upward and I get on top of him and resume our earlier activity. I just slam myself down on him and he's moaning and holding my waist for dear life thrusting into me. He starts jerking me off and after a few minutes I tell him I'm almost there and he whispers in my ear and says

"cum for me baby",

at hearing those words I cum for what feels like forever and a few moments after I finish he follows suit after. After he removes himself from me we just make out lazily for a few more minutes and then lay down and I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face not knowing what I was so nervous about, it was amazing. We both fall asleep with the lights of the Eiffel tower shining bright as the brightness of our smiles.

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