my father in-law Part 13

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Kong paused his game,he touched his lips,he could not believe Arthit kissed him,he was chocked he had not expected him to make that move,from what he has learned Arthit was not only very shy,he also did not seem comfortable with public display of affection,behind closed doors when it was just the two of them he was different and maybe that's why,he had wanted to kiss him longer but it was so fast by the time he realized it Arthit had retreated.he was hoping Arthit did not misunderstand him.

Arthit come out to the living room ready for the day,he saw Kong deep in thought so he sat on the arm of the chair.

"Kong what are you thinking about?"

"ooh sorry P' i did not hear you come in"

"that's because your mind was far, talk to me,what are you thinking about?"

"nothing to worry about,let me sort it out,we need to be at the table we can talk later"

"Okay only because i don't want our parents to come yelling at us,but i will hold you to this later."

he pulled him off the chair and they run down chasing each other,the rest in the dinning room heard them coming and laughing.

"you two seem to be having a good-morning."said Kong's mother when the two stumbled into the dinning room,Arthit immediately hid behind Kong.

"It's okay,you two come have a sit,lets enjoy this meal we have a long day ahead."

they greeted their parents and Kong's sisters,Kong pulled Arthit's chair for him,he took Arthit's plate then paused , he leaned and whispered into Arthit's ear,

"i forgot to ask,what do you like for breakfast?"

"The eggs and crossants are okay,thank you"

"anything else?"

"no maybe in a bit"

"hey you two what are you whispering about?" Tina asked

"Nothing stop being nosy."

"don't be defensive i was just asking,do you two have plans for today?"

before Kong could answer his dad spoke.

"Son,you two would be joining us at the factory,we won't keep you long,then your free to do as you please."

"Okay dad."Kong immediately knew that was his dad's way of asking to talk to them,but since Arthit's father was coming too,that confused him a bit.if his dad wanted to speak to them alone or maybe they wanted to speak to them together.he knew his dad was going to talk to him alone soon,that's just how he was.he decided to stop thinking about it and see what happens later.while he was lost in his thoughts he felt Arthits hand squeezing his under the table.

breakfast went on with every one just chattering away,Kong kept adding different things on Arthit's plate while the mothers were planning for the weekend,the relatives who were going to be coming,what the menu was going to be and the decorations.

Arriving at the factory they were greeted by the workers they passed by,and headed to Kong's dad's office.

"Son why don't you take your father-in -law for a tour around the factory."

"okay dad" Kong knew it was his way of asking him to leave,so he looked at Arthit gave him an encouraging smile and squeezed his shoulder as he passed by him.

Arthit was so nervous at the moment he didn't know what to feel.

"son don't be nervous, come have a seat."

"Thank you uncle"

"first thing you can call me dad just like Kong,you will be married to my son soon,but also your my best-friends son so i see you as one too."

"Thank you dad"

"i wanted to talk to you personally,and see how you are feeling and where you stand with the arrangement?"

"i am aright with it, i have spoken to Kong and we both agree,we respect you and my parents,and we know you would not have agreed to the arrangement if it was not for our best interest."

"Am glad you both see it that way,i want to ask how your school is going,i understand you will be in your third year? have you made any plans about where you would like to work?"

"yes i am in my third year, i also haven't decided where i will work i need to do my thesis and look for internships, its still early but i want to get a head start."

"that's great let me know if there is anything i can help you with,i know most of the company heads,it would not be hard to get you an internship."

"Thank you dad"

"i also want to talk to you about Kong,us his father i know he is head strong and he will drive you crazy,in that regard he takes after me, but also he has a big heart he feels deeply and wears his emotions on his sleeves, that he gets from his mother,take care of each other,regardless of the situation,i have been with Kong's mother since high school,and at times i didn't see us making it,but have faith in your spouse,believe him before anyone else.son do not let small misunderstanding create issues in your relationships."

Arthit was listening attentively,making sure to absorb every word,Kongs father continued

"you both are very luck,we your parents love you and will guide you both in any way that we can,what am trying to say is from now on you can call me or Kong;s mother take us us your other parents,and if that son of mine gives you any trouble,or you just need a mans voice,talk to us you have two fathers who care for you both,do you understand?"

"yes dad i do, i appreciate it, and i will always keep it in mind."

"now tell me,have you two spoke about how your engagement will be, i know we did not ask initially,and am sorry for that we needed to make sure you two met first,we were hopeful you would get along and am glad you have taken to each other so fast,i can see you both care for each other,"

"yes we did we would like it just to be our families,and later we can have a wedding where we can invite friends and other people."

"that's good,i am giving you my only son all i ask is you both take care of each other,put one another happiness first before anyone else,you both have all your parents blessing,in everything you that's all i needed to say,but in the near future i would like to speak to both of you about this factory and your parents business ,the two of you are our heirs and us such you both will have to decide how to lead and take our business forward."

" i will talk to Kong about it and when the time comes we will let you know what we decide dad,we wont disappoint you."

"that's good,now lets go find your father and my son.Kong might talk his ear off."

the two got up and went looking for them around the factory, kong's father took this opportunity to give Arthit a tour of the place.

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