Morning Jitters Part 32

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Kong had woken up early as usual but today was different,he freshened up quickly and went to the kitchen to meet his mother.he found her there already busy with the cooks getting breakfast ready for all the people who ended up spending the night.

"Good morning son,am glad you are up already"

"Good morning Mae,your busy already is there anything i can help with?"

"No we have this under control,i have a lot of help,is Arthit up yet?"

"no Mae,but i will wake him up shortly."

"its fine no need,let him have a bit more sleep,i will have your breakfast ready,and your clothes are in my room,you will get ready there so Arthit can have your room,your sisters and cousins will be around to help you."

"Okay Mae,let me get P'Arthits breakfast for him,you have your hands full anyways."

"No need i have most everything ready,and everyone is starting to get up,i can hear them moving around am glad we have so many bathrooms because this morning is going to be hectic enough."

"Mae when is the ceremony starting?"

"If everything goes as planned we should be starting around ten,luckily everything will be held here,that will make the process more smooth,i expect the rest of the family to start arriving shortly,that's why i need you to go have your breakfast make sure you both eat well,today is all about you two and when the nerves kick in i don't want the both of you hungry for not having ate."

"Okay Mae, i will go wake P'Arthit up"

The chefs who were hired for the event were buy getting breakfast ready,Kongs mothe took a tray and filled it with food for her sons,she handed it to Kong.

"Here make sure you both eat i will have your sisters come get you when its time for you to get ready,go enjoy your last few hours of being single "

the people in the kitchen were touched by the mother son bond they were witnessing,they watched Kong leave and how his mom stared at him and secretly wiped her tears, Arthit mother happened to walk in to see it too,she come over to her dear friend.

"Oh please no tears yet,we have a whole day and i can guarantee we both will be shedding more tears today,don't start me early." they both laughed

Kong went back to his room he found his P'Arthit sleeping, puting the tray down he proceeded to go wake him up.getting on the bed he got up on his knees moving to sit on Arthit and started to lightly caress him from his neck moving up while leaning down to see if his eyes were fluttering open.he kept it up for a few minutes, then finally decided to just go for it,peppering his face with light kisses which only made Arthit try to swap the intrusion away but not waking up.finally Kong just swooped down deciding to take the others breath away,kissing him and within a few moments he felt Arthit respond to the kiss and wrap his arms around him.

"finally P' i have been trying to wake you up,but you were in deep sleep"

"Kong why are you pestering me at the crack of dawn, you better have a good reason or i will strangle you."

"P' have you forgotten,we are getting married today,so you have to get up to get ready"

Arthit shot up nearly hitting him on the head,shaking his head to clear the sleep and wake up his brain

"Oh my! did i oversleep, you were supposed to wake me up when you woke up"

"calm down,you did not oversleep,we have a lot of time am just teasing you,but you need to get up and have breakfast before my sisters and our mothers come in here."

"why are they coming up here?"

"to help us get ready, i will get ready in my parent room and you can stay here and we will see each other at the ceremony"

"what time does it start?"

"mom said at ten,so get a move on lets have breakfast"

they both got up Arthit went to the bathroom first to relieve himself and brush his teeth,kong set up their breakfast in his living room.Arthit Joined him and they enjoyed they breakfast with small talk until Arthit remembered something important.

"Kong who is going to pick up the uncle,remember we told him we will send someone for him."

"i nearly forgot i will have one of my cousins or a driver go pick him up"

"i can ask P'Leo to go get him, i really want him here."

"okay that's fine,call P'Leo if he needs a car he can take mine."

Arthit went ahead and called him Leo said he was getting ready at his hotel and would be heading over shortly,he told them not to worry he will pick up the uncle on his way there,getting the address from them,Mark reassured the two he will make sure the uncle will be there with them.mark could sense this was important.he told the two to calm down that him and Leo were coming early and would help them with whatever they needed.

shortly after around eight Kongs sisters knocked on their door,telling him he needed to go get ready,the two got up looked at each other,

"P' the next time i see you we will be tied for life" he pulled him into a hug and just held him for a moment

"Yes am nervous but i cant wait,but i want one last kiss from my boyfriend before i get married" kong laughed but pulled him down for a deep kiss.his sisters who were eavesdropping and spying on them giggled which pulled the two out of their moment.kong left with them .

(next is the wedding i promise,i cut a lot off from this chapter because i also just wanted to get to the damn wedding,i hope you enjoy the rest,let me know if you want any part that i did not include like What Kong's sisters did when he was getting ready...)

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