would you be my boyfriend Part 15

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"P' how was your visit with my father?"

"you mean my father too,he asked me to call him Dad."

"that's funny so did your dad"

"Kong if you don't mind can we just go explore and we can talk tonight about our dad's,i want to spend the day with you and just have it be our time."

"P' that's perfectly fine,where do you want to go fast?"

"how about we start with the school you went to, is it far?"

"No P' actually the school is about fifteen minutes away,my primary and high school are the same."

"that's nice lets go, i am excited to see it, how different it is from my school."

Kong drove off and on the way showed Arthit some of the places,like one ice cream stand that he could never pass without getting one.

"P' the old lady who makes the ice cream, she has been there ever since i can remember,and her ice creams are the best ,would you like to try some?"

"if you say its that good of course i want to try it,lets go get some."

they parked and went in to order their ice cream,Kong found them a nice corner sit where they could look out into the street,but none of them was interested in anything except each other.

while enjoying their ice-cream the fed each other a taste.

"p' i cant wait to show you around,you know in high school whenever i would see my friends with their lovers,i always pictured what you were like,not you per-say but the person i was promised to,i remember some times where i ask my mom if i could just get to meet you,but she always said it wasn't time yet."

"maybe she was right,if we met earlier maybe it would have been different,our mind set would have been different,and we might have not been ready to accept each other,i always wondered if i was going to find someone,and in college once my friends started dating they always teased me,and asked who i was holding up for,funny thing is i didn't know about this but my heart just never desired anyone,i think that's why we seem to click so fast,my heart knew you before i did."

"P' for all the times and things we missed out on,lets make all of them memorable,lets make every experience count."

"of course lets cherish this moments we have."

they left and headed off to Kong's school,luckily the custodian knew Kong since his father was one of the major contributors to the school,he let them roam around freely.

"P' let me show you some of the classes i attended"

"wow this school is big,are there that many students?"

"Not really,most of the classes are small,so every person gets the best out of the class.and it helps that the town is kind of small so not many people live around here."

"that's different from my school,they were so many students i don't even know how our teachers kept track"

Kongpob took him around telling him what room was want,and through all this he was holding Arthit's hand,by now Arthit had realized he would have to get used to Kong holding his hand.

"Kong,why do you like holding my hand all the time?"

"P' its because whenever i hold your hand it makes this real. half the time i keep thinking i am dreaming it,you know how can such a perfect person want to be with me?"

"one. am not perfect,in time you will learn that,no one is perfect and this is real,i cant believe it either but Kong," Arthit stopped and looked up at him "am not going anywhere and i want this just as much as you do."

Kong looked into those eyes,he saw the truth in them,he couldn't help himself he was drawn inn,so he gently leaned down but stopped to give Arthit time to pull back if he wanted to,instead Arthit reached up to meet him half way,when their lips met,it felt like fire works going off,Kong wrapped Arthit in his arms pulling him closer than he already was,he felt like he finally was getting a taste of nirvana,Arthit on the other hand had lost all conscious thought,he melted into Kongs embrace.until they were out of breath did Kong pull away but not completely,he kissed Arthits eyes one at a time then his nose and back onto the lips that now that he had a taste of them he didn't know how to stop.

Finally they pulled apart once Arthit's knees were able to hold him back up,

"P' wow,i think am doomed,i have been imagining kissing you but the reality is so much more than i had hoped for."

Arthit was blushing so hard he could barely speak,"i get the feeling,lets go show me around more."

"but i would rather keep kissing you,that is is so much better"

"oh God i hope i haven't created a monster" he said shoving Kong away,but Kong just laughed and grabbed his hand entwining their finger's again.

they walked to the football field it was beautiful Kong took him to one of the benches and sat down.

"P' when i was in this school, here is where i felt most lonely,whenever we had sports going on,my friends had their significant others or were pursuing someone they just met,i prayed that i would meet you soon,that i would find love in the one chosen for me,so i might be late but i would like to ask this officially,would you like to be my boyfriend?"

"i know what you mean, and yes i would like to be your boyfriend."

Kong hugged him and they kissed,this time the kiss was slower,exploring each other,tasting and nipping gently,and when they pulled apart Arthit laid his head on Kong's chest inhaling his sent,he was finding himself liking it since the first time he slept on kongs bed,his scent brought this calmness over him.Kong was caressing his hair kissing him every few seconds.

"P' as much us i don't want to move,i know your hungry so lets go eat, i will take you to one of my favorite place ."

"before we go let me say something, even though i didn't know about this before,i also prayed to meet the person who would complete me,someone who could understand me,someone i did not need to put much effort into loving them because i wanted it to come naturally,am glad my prayers were answered, i could have never dreamed of anyone who makes me feel the way you do,you make me feel ways i cant describe,and even though its been very short amount of time,you seem to peel of my inhibitions,i would have never been this open to anyone,but you make it easy.

Arthit reached up again and kissed him passionately,it seemed now that the flood gates were open they couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

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